chapter eight

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I woke up and checked my phone

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I woke up and checked my phone. I was immediately blinded by the light. I close my eyes and look away.

"Fucking hell." I mumble.

I look back and see it was 5:45 am.

Little later than I wake up, but that's fine.

I'm still tired but once I wake up I can't go back to sleep. I grab my phone and get up.

I need coffee.

I put my silk pajamas on and put my slippers on. I was super hot when I went to bed, so I slept naked. I mostly sleep naked in the summer but today I was just hot.

I went to the bathroom and washed my face.

I say hi to Shawn who was guarding my door.

I go downstairs to hear people in the kitchen. I go into the kitchen to see my dad, aunts, uncles, and Nonno up.

"Good morning Sage. Didn't expect for you to be up this early." Zio Roman said.

"Good morning. I usually get up earlier, i slept in." I say.

I look for the coffee mugs once I find them I sigh.
Why the hell are they so high?

I mean i'm 5'9 and can usually reach things, but the height of the cabinets were just absurd. I put my hands on the counter and push myself up.

I grab a coffee mug and put it back on the counter and climb back down.

I turn around to see them staring at me, "What? It's not my fault they're up so high." I say and go over to the coffee.

I pour the coffee to the brim and check to see if it was too hot. When it wasn't I braced myself for the nasty taste and chugged the whole cup.

When i'm done my face scrunched up in disgust and I put the cup in the sink.

"Not a fan of coffee?" Nonno asked with a chuckle.

"It's fucking disgusting." I mumble.

"Hey dad is it cool if I go on a run?" I ask and get out fruit from the refrigerator.

"Sure sweetheart, as long as you bring Shawn with you."

I groaned, "Why do I have to bring him?" I ask.

"Because he's your bodyguard and he's here to protect you." He said.

"But I don't need protection. Plus he keeps calling me Ms. or ma'am and it's weird cause he's like twice my age. And he's at my door 24/7 like does that man ever sleep?" I ask.

"He's just doing his job sweetheart, that's all."

"Whatever." I mumble.

I have no problem with Shawn, but I like to be alone when I run.

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