chapter sixty-four

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Three men tap on the window on Lola's side of the car

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Three men tap on the window on Lola's side of the car. She rolls down the window and they speak in hush voices.

I make sure my wig is straight in the mirror and apply another coat of red lipstick in the shade 'Valentina.'

"Sábia," Lola called out.

"Si?" I ask without looking.

She handed me an ear piece. "Meet Davi, Sal, and Luiz. They're going to be here and wait for us while we're in there. When you get in there be quick and calculated. With a man like Dominic it should be easy to get the chip from. The Russian's didn't bother to train him and he's blinded by beauty. This shouldn't more than fifteen minutes." I nod as I take in her information.

"Você entende?" (Do you understand.)

"Si." I answered.

"Boa. Você está feita?" (Good. Are you done?)


"Davi, Sal, and Luiz estará esperando na esquina pela loja da esquina." (Davi, Sal, and Luiz will be waiting around the corner by the corner store.)

I nod, "Mais alguma coisa?" I ask. (Anything else?)

"No." I open up the car door and get out. I tug down my dress and Lola gets out the car as well.

She comes around and puts a firm grip on my shoulders. I fiddle with my ring finger silently as I look at her. She looks down briefly, "You still haven't lost that habit I see."

I shook my head no. "Don't be so nervous Sábia. You've been doing this for years. I've seen you work under pressure and you do it well, don't fail this time."

I nod and straighten my posture. "te vejo em quinze." I say and press two chased kisses to her cheeks. (I'll see you in fifteen.)

She grimaced but didn't comment on my sudden affection. She squeezed my shoulders before letting go and pulled down her mask over her face.

I turn around and walk off to the back entrance of the club and slip in inside the door.

The music pounds in my ear as I walk through the club. Strippers sat on men's laps, danced on tables, some of them were even completely nude.

I search for Dominic and spot him upstairs at the casino over looking the strip club. I stare up at him, he notices me almost instantly. When I make eye contact I lick my red lips and wink.

I break eye contact and walk around. Then I walk to the luxurious elevators by grand opening doors. "Doze câmeras no primeiro andar." I mumble. (twelve cameras on the first floor.)

"Quatro deles sozinhos apontam para os elevadores." I mumble and smile at the people who were coming out of the elevator. (Four of them alone point at the elevators.)

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