chapter sixty-seven

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It's been two days since we came back home

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It's been two days since we came back home. Maya hasn't left either of our sides since. Lee's family is coming today.

I woke up with Maya sleeping on my chest, Lee nowhere to be found.

I gently move Maya off my chest and get out the bed. I greet Luna in her dog bed that Maya moved in our room so Luna wouldn't feel left out.

I take a shower and get ready for the day. I put numbing cream on my ribs and took pain medication. Lee forced me to do a thing Mara used to do when he got a bruise and so far it really helped.

My skin is now a yellowish color instead of the dark bruises I had.

I wrote a note and stuck it on Maya's eyelid since that was the only way she would see it and went out the door with Luna following me.

I went to Lee's office and opened the door. He looked up from his paper work. I went around his desk and he pushed out his chair.

I sat down on his lap and he kissed me. "Good morning." I say and peck his lips once more before pulling away. "What time are they coming?"

"They just landed, so about an hour." He answered.

"Thirty kids already sent their rsvp for Maya's party. She invited more people when she went to the park yesterday. She makes new friends every time, the girl is a social butterfly." I say and pull out my phone to see six more had rsvp'd the last time I had checked my phone, which was yesterday afternoon.

"Never mind, now it's thirty-six." I mumble and start typing back to one of the mothers.

"Her new friends just moved to the country from Mexico so Maya requested that we have some Mexican candy and food to make them feel more welcomed." I say.

"The party planners are coming tomorrow to set up everything. I got in contact with the zoo, their going to be coming over and setting up the petting zoo. I also got two helicopters for her and her friends to ride in, a bouncy house, a ball pit, and a trampoline." Lee said.

"That was quick." I mumble.

"Mr. Louis is making her birthday cake and I got caterers for her party since he'll be busy with that." I say.

"What did you get her for her birthday?" I ask.

"A white horse with a horn taped on its head so she'll think it's a pony, a—"

I cut him off with a laugh, "I can see her freaking out now."

"She's been talking about having another dog for Luna so I got her one. I also got her a lot of disney themed clothes since I know she likes those and a fish she so badly wanted and lots of other things that I forget. They're in our closet." Lee said.

"I got her a bunny, those glowing fish, a slime kit she wanted, orbeez, a nail polish kit, action figures, a bracelet kit, a playhouse tent, barbies, a new dollhouse, one of those toy fairy things that fly, an american girl doll, an electric bumper car, and like four other things I can't remember at the moment." I say.

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