chapter eighteen

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This was stupid, he's probably sleeping

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This was stupid, he's probably sleeping. Why did i do this? I thought to myself.

As i'm turning around the door opens. I turn back around a pause.

Lee stood there with a just underwear on, his boxers hung low, his v-line showing. Water droplets rolled down his skin, dropping on the floor. His hair was wet, it hung over his eyes.

He must have just got out the shower.

"Are you done staring?" He asked.

I cleared my throat and brought my eyes to his face. A small smirk sported his face as he looked me up and down. "What are you doing here Sage?" He asked and leaned against the doorway.

"I uh—" I cleared my throat again. "You know what i'm just going to go. You look like you're busy." I say really fast and turn around to leave.

A hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. I let out a small scream as he pulled me inside his room and shut the door. My back hits the door as he caged me in between it.

"Why are you here Sage?" He asked.

I heart beat was loud in my ears, my breath shallow. "I was bored and there was no one up, so I thought I'd come here." I whisper.

He hummed, his hands came down and tugged on my almost see through white top.

"Come here and do what? Tease me with this top that barely covers you boobs? Or tease me with these shorts that barely cover your fucking ass?" He asked.

I swallowed, his fingertips lightly traced down my skin, the tickling feeling making me shudder. "Or was it to make me see the hickey the guy left on your neck to make me feel jealous?" He asked.

His hand came up, slowly playing with the hem of my cropped shirt. "Cat got your tongue?" He asked.

My hands find his chest, his muscles flexing under my touch. I lean up, going onto my tippy toes. "What if I tell you I wanted to do both?" I whisper.

I kiss behind his ear, a small smirk made its way onto my face as he shuddered under my touch.

I lean back down and look up at him. We held brief eye contact.

Suddenly he crashed his lips onto mine. My hands come around his neck, pulling him closer.

His tongue teased its way into my mouth. The kiss was full of hunger and urgency. I kiss back just as hard.

He picked me up, my legs wrapped around his torso. His hands come underneath my thighs, supporting my weight. His hands on my ass.

He moves us to the bed. I bounce as he dropped me down onto the bed. He hovered above me, both of our chest heaving up and down heavily.

"Tell me you want this just as bad as I do." He mumbled.

"I do. I want this so bad." I say and pull him in for another kiss.

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