chapter twelve

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"Okay so I am Fantasma, I just thought you guys knew

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"Okay so I am Fantasma, I just thought you guys knew."

Im lying through my fucking teeth. Of course they didn't know.

"The blood on your coat, the money being transferred into your account, your sudden disappearances, it all makes sense." Dante said.

"How long did you know we were the Italian mafia?" Dad asked.

"I had my suspicions, but since Monday." I say.

"I can't believe my little sister is the most feared assassin in the underworld." Giovanni mumbled.

"You saw me kill Leon Smith." Dante said.

"Not exactly, but I did hear it." I say.

"How did you even get into the bar? You're underage." Ace questioned.

"When you flash men a flirtatious smile and run your hand down their chest and give them flirty eyes, you can get into almost anything." I say.

"How did you even become an assassin?" Lorenzo asked.

"I was trained to. There was no way out of it." I say with a shrug.

Marco started to say something before he hesitated.

"What?" I ask.

He shook his head.

"You have a bad habit of hesitating, you should break it. It could kill you." I say.

He cleared his throat, "What do you mean trained into?" He asked.

"Have you ever heard the saying curiosity killed the cat?" I ask.

"And satisfaction brought it back." Giovanni finished off.

I like him.

"Only if the information that you get is enough to satisfy your questions. If I just told you a one letter word answer the cat died for no reason." I say.

He made a humming noise, "True." He mumbled.

"Are you a librarian?" I ask.

He looked at me like I just told him blood was yellow. "I'm a hacker." He said.

Good to know.

"Have you ever hacked into the government? It's really fun, I learned so many things." I say.

They looked at me like I was crazy.

"Who trained you?" Alessandro asked.

"Trained, would put it lightly. I was beat like an animal, tortured for simply breathing when not told to, rap—" I stopped myself before I could say to much.

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