chapter forty-five

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"No." Lee and I say at the same time. Everyone was taken back by us disagreeing.

"Why not?" Luca asked.

I scoffed, "I'm not getting married to him." I say and scoot away from him.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Real fucking mature if you." He mumbled.

"Oh so now you want to talk about maturity?" I ask.

"Okay what's going on? You guys were literally just the cutest couple like three days ago." Jayden said.

"That's what we've been trying to tell you." Kai said.

"Tell us what?" Alina asked.

"That they're not together anymore." Dante said.

Luca gasped, "Why?"

"Because he's an asshole." I say with a shrug.

"I'm an asshole?" He asked with a scoff.

"Yes you're a fucking asshole. My answer is no. I'm not getting married." I say.

"I'm sorry you two, but we already made the contract and signed it. There's no going back, you two have to get married." Ares said.

"What?!" We both yell and stand up.

"You made a decision without me?! What the fuck!" I yell.

"Sage calm down. It was to ensure your safety. That's all we want is for you to be safe and sometimes we have to do things we don't like." Nonno said.

"Like arrange my fucking marriage? Are you fucking serious?" I yell.

I grab my purse, Lee scoffed. I look at him. "What do you have anything to fucking say or are you just going to fucking glare at me all day?" I ask.

"Watch your fucking tone when your speak to me Sage." He said.

"Guys maybe we should calm down and just—"

"Shut the fuck up Marco!" We both yell.

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