chapter forty-nine

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I had only gotten an hour of sleep

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I had only gotten an hour of sleep. I woke up, had a panic attack because I forgot where I was, and now I have a killer headache.

My phone was dead, I didn't have my charger, nor did I have my meds. But I wasn't going out of this room. I didn't want to look at Lee's stupid face.

I went over to the balcony door and tried to open it. I get frustrated and punch it. "Fucking open." I mumble.

"You can try all you want. You can only open it if you have a key." I turn around. Lee leaned up against the dresser with his arms folded as he watched me.

Thank god I put clothes on, bitches don't knock around here I guess.

I crossed my arms and glared at him, "Well give me the key then. I want to go on the balcony." I say.

"So you can run away?"

"I just told you that I wanted to go on the balcony, not run away."

"I don't trust you." He said and looked me up and down.

I frowned and put my hand on my chest, "Ouch that really hurt my feelings." I say with an eye roll.

"I trust myself enough for the both of us, now give me the fucking key." I demanded.

He straightened up and dropped his hands, "You're in no position to be making demands Sage, watch how you talk to me."

"Now get dressed, you have somewhere to be."

I laid down in the bed and put the covers overtop of me, "I'm not going."

He let out a sigh and ran a hand down his face. "I don't know how i'm going to deal with you the rest of my life." He mumbled.

I ignored him and shut my eyes. "Get up Sage."

I snuggle more into the silk sheets and let out a fake yawn. The covers were thrown off of me, I opened one eye. Lee stood over me with an angry expression.

"Get the fuck up Sage. Don't make me tell you again." I let out a louder fake yawn and shut my eyes again.

Suddenly the bed flipped over. I fell to the floor with a thud. I hold my side and bite back a grimace. "I told you to get your ass up."

"Fuck you! I'm not going." I say and get up. I grab one of the decorative plants off the nightstand and throw it at him. Soil goes all over him.

Okay... maybe it wasn't a decorative plant.

I stare at him for a moment, his harsh glare setting on me. I bolt for the door. Before I could even get close he was already on me.

He restrained my hands and picked me up."Get the fuck off of me!" I yell and kick.

He carried me into the bathroom and dropped me into the shower. My back hit the shower wall hard, he turned on the water. I gasped as the freezing cold water came over my head.

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