chapter twenty-one

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Today is Saturday, the day of our date

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Today is Saturday, the day of our date. It's currently four-thirty and I want to be on time so I get out of bed.

I've been in my bed all day with Kai, we had a movie marathon since last night and didn't go to sleep till ten in the morning. Kai was still sleep.

I woke up at two pm. I shut my computer and put it on the charger. I stretched and went to my closet to pick out an outfit.

I got a text from Lee, "we still on for today at six?" He asked.

I replied back with a yes.

It was warm now in New York, it was the middle to end of May. I picked out a Sage Green dress with white heels and a white bag.

I picked out my jewelry and perfume and went into the bathroom.

I got in the shower and washed my body. I put on my undergarments and started doing my makeup. I did a smile makeup look with a glossy clear lip.

I get a green scarf that matched my dress and wrapped it around my afro but left some curls out in the front so it would look cute and a little messy at the same time.

I put on my jewelry and sprayed my perfume. I unzipped my knee length heels and started putting them on.

"Where are you going?" I jumped at Kai's voice.

Kai was at my doorway with a Moana blanket wrapped around her as she rubbed her eyes.

"Uh just going out." I say.

"Great. Can I come? I need to go get something from the mall." She asked.

"Uh no. I'm like going out on a date." I say.

"Ouhhh, with my brother?" She asked.

I nodded my head.

She did a squeal, "Why didn't I have any knowledge of this?" She asked.

"I don't know, I guess it slipped my mind." I say.

"Bitch you know damn well it didn't slip your mind."

Which was true, i've been excited about this all week. I've never been this excited for something in a long time.

"Well i'm going to leave you to finish getting ready. You look cute by the way. I wish we were the same size so I could steal that dress." She said and pouted.

Kai and I wore the same size in like sleeping attire and sweatpants, but when it came to dresses and stuff I was like two sizes bigger than her.

She left out the room and i hear her flop down on my bed. "Why is your bed so comfortable?! Can I steal it?" She asked.

"That's because I bought me a new one because the one they had in here was hard as fuck." I say.

"We can go to the mattress store tomorrow and get you the same one I got tomorrow." I suggest.

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