chapter thirty-nine

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We've been searching for her this whole month

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We've been searching for her this whole month. I've haven't slept over 36 hours this month. Every time my mom tells me to take a break and get some sleep it's like I can't.

All I can see is her pained, exhausted face. It broke my heart seeing her be in pain and cry and i couldn't do anything about it.

Kai and our friends have been doing everything to try to keep me focused on the positive things, but how can I be positive when the light of my life is in pain and I can't do anything but sit and look for her?

We have narrowed down her location to 6 warehouses, each warehouse is on the outskirts of New York and New Jersey.

I just want to hold her close to me and tell her I love her for the first time because I do. She's my breath of fresh air, the sunlight in my life, I wish I could've told her that sooner.

Andrea shouts those three words that i've been longing for. "I found her!" She shouted.

We all crowd around her computer. "where?" I ask looking at the grid.

"She's right there. In the third warehouse we've been looking at." She said pointing at the green dot.

"They must have had moved her because it just started pinging like crazy." Camilla said.

Ace starts ordering his men around, the same with mom and dad. We strapped as many weapons on us as we could. We get into into the vans starting out hour journey to the warehouse.

I don't have any fight left in me

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I don't have any fight left in me.

I've been since I was three years old. I don't have it in me anymore. It's so fucking exhausting. I can't do it anymore.

Alexei had sucked the life out of me and I don't think I can ever get it back.

I have never felt weaker than I have in my entire life this past month and I hate it. I wish I could drive that hatred towards me beating Alexei's ass, but I can't.

I'm trying to hold on as best as I can because I know my family and Lee are looking for me. But my hope is slipping away everyday, along with my will to live.

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