chapter forty-one

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I opened my eyes and quickly shut them

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I opened my eyes and quickly shut them. The bright lights bothering my eyes. A small groan came from my lips as my head started to hurt.

"Go get the doctor, she awake."

"Sage? Sage. Can you hear me?"

I rubbed my eyes and opened them again. The worried faces of my family members stared back at me.

So this wasn't a dream. I'm finally out of Alexei's hold. A woman came in and quickly checked my vitals before leaving.

I looked down at my fingers as I fidget with them.

"How are you feeling bambina?" Dad asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and wiped a stray tear from my eye. The door opened again. Marco and Dante entered.

Marco instantly came to the bed. He sat down next to me. It was getting harder not to cry.

I watched as she tried her best not to cry

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I watched as she tried her best not to cry. Her shoulder shook as she tried to keep it in. I wrapped my arms around her.

She finally broke, a sob released from her mouth as she hugged me back. I held the back of her head as I light rubbed her back up and down, careful not to hurt her healing whipping marks.

"I'm sorry." She sobbed.

"You have nothing to apologize for. None of this is your fault." I whisper and wipe a tear from my eye.

"I feel like it is." She whispered.

I pull away from her and take her face into my hands. I gently wipe her tears with my fingers.

"Don't because it's not." I say and kissed her forehead. She sighed and leaned against my chest. I held her for as long as she wanted me to.

 I held her for as long as she wanted me to

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