chapter forty-seven

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I woke up with my face smushed between someone boobs

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I woke up with my face smushed between someone boobs. I wiped the drool off my mouth and push my body off them. I roll over, the wind was knocked out of me as my back hit the hard floor.

I run a hand down my face, "Shit." I mumble and squeeze my eyes shut. I sit up and look over myself. My top was off, but I still had my bra and skirt on.

My head was throbbing with pain. I had definitely drunk way too much. Luckily I had no new tattoos. I get up.

Skylar sat up and looked around. "What the fuck was that thud?" She mumbled.

We we on a couch in a apartment. The curtains were only open half way, bringing in some light.

I looked back at Skylar, she had hickeys on her neck, her shirt and bra discarded beside my feet. I cleared my throat and looked down at my feet.

"Did we . . ." I trail off and look around the apartment like it's the most interesting thing in the world.

"Nah, I think we both passed out before we could get to that part." Relief spread through my body for some odd reason.

I picked up her shirt and bra and handed them to her. "Do you have a bathroom I can use?" I ask, bile suddenly rising in my throat.

"Down the hall to the right."

I nod my head and hold onto the walls as support as my head spins with each step I take. There was two doors to the right. I open up the first one, Shaylee and Savannah slept naked in the bed together.

I shut the door and went into the second one. I dropped to my knees and emptied my stomach out into the toilet.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and got up. I flushed the toilet and washed my mouth out with water.

I went back into the room. I shook Shaylee gently awake. "Shay, come on we have to go." I whisper and gather her clothes off the floor.

I get her purse and get out her phone. I log into my uber account and order a uber for us.

Shaylee got up."What time is it?" She asked and put on her underwear. I hand her the dress she wore last night and she put it on.

I turn her phone back on.

Her phone started to ring, it was Luca. "It's Luca, answer it, but if he asks don't say i'm with you." I whisper.

I grab her shoes and we go out the room. I ignore their conversation and go back out to the living room. Skylar was knocked out on the couch, her shirt laid on top of her chest, not bothering to put it on.

Shaylee shut off her phone and grabbed her heels from my hands. "He said everyone has been trying to get in touch with you for the last hour. He said everyone has been blowing up your phone."

"But I didn't give any of them my number. How could they call me?" I ask.

She grimaced and looked away. I put on my boot and side eyed her. "Shaylee," I say warningly.

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