chapter fifty-three

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I woke up with a headache

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I woke up with a headache. I roll over and see it was six thirty in the morning. I let out a yawn and got up from the bed.

I grabbed my water bottle off the side of the bed and did a double take when I saw another bouquet of flowers.

I ignored them and went into the bathroom. I took my medication and a advil for my head. I take off my bra and get into the shower. I let the hot water roll down my body before washing up.

I get out and dry off before putting on my robe. I go into the closet and pick out an outfit. I lotion my body and do my skincare and makeup.

I take off my scarf and fix my afro. I put on my clothes and go out the door. There was different guards at my door this time.

I find my way to Lee's office to talk about last night.

Last night shouldn't have happened. I was tipsy and I don't want Lee to think that we can just do that again. I think it would be best to just keep our distances.

I enter without knocking, Danny, Carson, and Lee turn to me. "Go check up on that and report back to me." Lee said.

Danny and Carson both walked past me and quietly shut the door behind them. I go up to Lee behind the desk.

"I want to talk about last night." I say.

He stood up and took his glasses off. He looked he n my eyes, "It was a mistake." I voice.

He stepped closer, caging me in between his arms. I step back, but his desk stops me from going any further. All the confidence I worked up to come in here now dying down in my throat.

I should've kept my distance.

"I don't think me making you come twice on that yacht was a mistake." He said.

My face suddenly felt hot. "I think we should keep our distance," I say.

He raised a brow, "If you don't want me to touch you anymore that's fine." He said with a shrug.

"I never said that." The words rush out of my mouth before I can stop them. Last night Lee had made me come so hard that I seen stars in my vision. And that was just with his fingers. Last night made me realize how much I missed him touching me.

But I still wanted to hate him.

I bit back a groan and chewed on my bottom lip. This shit is fucking confusing.

"So you do want me to touch you?" He whispered. His head dipped down to be level with mine. His cool breath fanning my face.

I weigh out the pros and cons in my head. His hands rub my thighs. "Tell me what you want Sage. I'll make it happen." He whispered.

I let out a small breath and swallow the lump in my throat. My mind going into over drive, the sexual tension in the air making it hard for me to breathe.

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