chapter ten

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"So you're definitely my new bestie

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"So you're definitely my new bestie. I think we're going to be the most bested best friends in the whole wide world." Luca said as we walked through the hallway.

Our arms were linked together as he talked about everything and everyone in this school.

"Oh and don't go near them three." He said pointing to a group of girls.

"Why what's wrong with them?" I ask.

"I'm surprised that girl in the middle hasn't came up to you. They have this twitter page, you've been tweeted a lot about, look." Luca said and brought out his phone.

"See look," He said and gave me the phone.

It was a picture of me, Marco, and Dante while we were walking in the hallway. It was captioned, "New girl is the new whore for the Ferrari brothers. Let's see how long she lasts before they get tired of her."

I scroll down and it was multiple pictures of me in class, you could only see half of my face in each picture since I wore a hat yesterday and today.

"So basically they're calling me a whore for hanging out with my brothers." I say.

"Basically. The middle girl her name is Britney, the one on the right is Jennifer, and the one on the left is Carly. Britney likes Marco, Jennifer likes Dante, and Carly likes your future husband, Lee." Luca said.

"First of all I would never marry that asshole and secondly those are the most basic white girl names i've ever heard." I say.

"I know right. I'm so happy to be brown and not white because I would be mad if my parents gave me a name like chase or something." Luca said with a laugh.

"So what are the girls? Are they bullies or something?" I ask.

"They do bully people. One time they tried to bully Kai but one swing from her and they left her alone. They try to come over to our lunch table every once in a while and try to sit on their laps, especially Britney. But Andrea shuts that shit down quickly because you know that's her lil boo—"

He cut hisself off with a gasp and covered his mouth. "Oh my cheese sticks. I said to much. Don't tell Marco and Andrea I told you that." He said.

"I don't even know what you're talking about." I say.

"I can so tell we're going to besties. Come on let's go get lunch." He said.

"Hey guys," I say to everyone.

"Hey girl where were you? We were looking for you" Kai said.

"Oh I was i—"

I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Britney, Jennifer, and Carly.

"Um... hello." I say.

"So this is the girl that's keeping my man's dick wet." Britney said.

"I'm sorry. Who are you talking about?" I ask.

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