chapter twenty-seven

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Life is really fucking me in the ass right now

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Life is really fucking me in the ass right now.

My life is so fucking stressful for no reason. One of my Jewelry stores got robbed, caught the robbers trying to sell it at a pawn shop. I tortured and killed them.

They moved Fernando to a different facility and pushed his court date back because of it. Which made me even more angry. But at least I have men everywhere.

I told my family about Paris. They're excited to see the runway, well Mj and Gabe is just excited to see the Eiffel Tower.

Today was Marco's and I's birthday today, we went out to a simple dinner. Lee gave me one of my gifts early, which was a beautiful dog.

I named her Luna.

She's the cutest dog ever and she's only a puppy, she's so tiny. She's only two months old. Luna is a light grey color but around her mouth, eyes, and at the tip of her ears her fur is white.

I sat outside my window, on top of the roof and got out my phone. It was three in the morning, the moon was out with stars shining.

I got a notification from my photos, it was a memory.

I clicked on it. It was me and my mother, Lola. She was holding my face and kissing my cheek and I cheesed super hard with my eyes shut. "Happy sweet 16" in the background.

I looked down at my phone and stared at the picture. I sighed and brought the blunt to my mouth, inhaling the smoke.

A knock on my window startled me. I look behind me to see my Dad standing there.

He climbed out and sat on the roof. "What are you doing up?" I ask.

"I could ask you the same thing." He said.

I sighed and looked down at my phone. The picture staring back at me.

"Is that you and your mother?" Dad asked.

I nodded my head and finished the blunt off before throwing it off the roof.

"She wasn't always bad." I say.

"She looks like she loves and cares for you in that picture." Dad said.

"I guess she did. I don't know." I say.

"One say she came to me crying, saying that she hated the way she treated me when I was younger and that the guilt was eating her alive. She said she missed so much of my life that she wanted to get clean so she can watch me grow and thrive and be there for me." I start off.

I look down at the picture.

Tears started to weld in my eyes. I laughed and shook my head, "Sorry, I don't know why i'm starting to cry. I never cry over her, maybe it's the weed." I say.

Dad rubbed my back, "It's okay Sage. Cry all you want." He said.

"I paid for her to go to rehab. She came out like a brand new person. I loved it. The broken child was eating it up. I loved the new her. She cleaned up her life. We started to spend more time together. I slowly started to trust her. She got a job, I moved her into a house and I stayed with her. It was great, she started to be my best friend." I say and wipe my tears.

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