chapter fifty-four

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I walk into Lee's office and slam the door

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I walk into Lee's office and slam the door. He looked up from his papers and dropped his pen. I slam a paper on his desk.

"Well good morning to you too." He mumbled and looked at his watch, "Or night." He mumbled and picked up the paper.

I read the time, it was 2:50 in the morning.

"Are you fucking serious? You put a fucking hit out on Alexei?! Are you fucking dumb?!" I yell furiously.

He looked up at me eerily calm. "Yes, I did."

It irked me how calm he was, "It wasn't your fucking call to make! It was mine! You shouldn't have done that! You should have consulted me!" I furiously yell.

"Consulted you?" He asked and stood up. He toward over me, his eyes cold.

"I don't need your approval to make a decision."

I step closer to him, "A decision that should have been made by me." I seethe and jab at his chest.

"It was my call. Mine. Not yours." I grit out and emphasize on the mine.

His jaw clenched, "I'm doing what is needs to be done. People will grab at this for the money. Do you know how much money is on his head right now?!"

"You're missing then point Lee! I don't care who will grab at the fucking opportunity. I didn't ask you to put out that fucking hit. For a don you're thinking so fucking stupid right n—"

"I'd watch how you fucking talk." He gritted out.

"Or what?" I snap.

"All you do is say empty threats that mean fucking nothing. Your men might be scared of those threats, but I am not. I see right through those."

My chest heaves up and down as I try to calm my anger down. "Why didn't you tell me?" I grit out.

"I don't have to tell you anything." He shot back.

"You do when it involves you making decisions that you have no business making." I snap.

"You had no fucking right—"

"You are my wife. I ha—"

"Here we go with the fucking wife card. A good husband would fucking check in with his wife to make decisions that involve her!" I say.

"You don't hold any authority over me."

"Maybe here I don't, but I sure as hell fucking do in the underworld. I should fucking kill you for the stupid shit you just did and stage it as a fucking suicide." I rage and jab at his chest.

He suddenly pulled out a gun and shoved it in my chest. I take a step back from the force and he caged me in between his arm, his hands slamming down on the desk.

"You want to kill me so bad? Fucking do it. Nothing is stopping you Sage."

The gun is heavy in my hand. I adjust it in my hand and shove the barrel of the gun in his chest. I click the safety off and stare into his eyes.

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