Extended Epilogue

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LEE: 38
SAGE: 36
MAYA: 19

It's been seven years since I had the triplets. Two years later we had twins, Gianna and Gianni. Gianni is the only boy.

Marco got married two years ago to Tatianna. They have twins, Zayn and Zeus. Then a little girl, Rylan. The twins were three and Rylan was eleven months old.

Fredrico and Shaylee had a kid, a baby girl. Kai and Dante also had another baby girl.  Shaylee, Kai and I were pregnant together. The twins and their daughter, Elliana was born a week apart. Kai's and Dante's daughter, Kiara, was born three months after.

Jayden got married to Nessa and they have a four year old boy, Nero.

Javier and Aurora actually rekindled their relationship and got married. They have a little girl, Freya. She's also five years old.

Luca and Kayden got married and they actually found a little boy who was abandoned on a mission they went on and they adopted him. His name is Jonas. He's eight years old.

"Mamãe," Gianni mumbled.

Gianni was the quietest out of all of his siblings. He loved to read and spend time with Lee and I one on one without his siblings.

The triplets and his twin are loud. Maya was the the second most quiet. I would find her and Gianni in the library most mornings. He sat on her lap as she quietly read to him.

Gianni was fascinated with learning languages like Maya was when she was younger. They also bond by going to the museum together when Lee and I are too busy with work to take them.

I sit up from the bed with a smile, "Hi baby." I say and pat the bed between Lee and I.

It was early morning, around seven. He was always an early riser. Lee sat up from the bed and arranged the pillows how he liked it.

He climbed up into the bed and sat between us. I turn to him and like every morning he reaches over and gently took ahold of my face. His small hands resting on my cheeks.

He studies me for a moment before placing a kiss on my forehead, then my right cheek, then lastly my left. I plant two kisses on his right cheek like I do every morning.

He went over to Lee and hugged him, mumbling a greeting. Lee pressed two kisses to his cheek.

Gianni revealed a book from the blanket he was carrying. Along with sticky notes and a pencil. The book was in French, the language he was most fascinated with at the moment.

He already knew Portuguese and Italian from my mother and father speaking those languages. He knew Korean because that's what Lee spoke. And he knew some Spanish from when Ares side of the family would visit for Christmas or Thanksgiving.

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