chapter twenty

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I coated my lips in lipgloss and sprayed perfume

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I coated my lips in lipgloss and sprayed perfume. I put on my jewelry.

I hear my door open. I look to see Lee entering. "Hey, can you help me with this necklace?" I ask.

He nodded his head. I gave him the necklace and he stood behind me.

The cold jewelry hit my neck as he clamped it around my neck.

I checked my makeup and fixed my lipgloss a little.

Lee turned me around. He tried to kiss me but I turn my head so he can kiss my cheek. "You'll mess up my lipgloss, plus I don't think you want your lips to be shining." I say.

"Fair enough." He mumbled.

His hands came to my waist, i wrapped my arms around his neck as we stared at each other. "You look beautiful, Sage."

I smiled at him, "Thank you. You look very handsome." I say and trail my hands down his suit.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

I nodded my head. We were the first ones downstairs. We sat down on the couch, silence taking over us.

"This feels awkward." I say.

He laughed and patted my thigh. "Maybe a little." He said.

I turned towards him and placed my legs in his lap, causing my dress to hike up a little.

His hands came on my thighs, rubbing up and down. "So I was thinking." He started off.

"Yeah?" I asked and placed my arm behind him, my hands going into his hair, gently massaging.

"I was thinking I would take you out on a date, since we've skipped over it and went straight to the sex part." He mumbled the last part.

I laughed, he joined in with me.

"So Sage," I made eye contact with him, a smile on my face.

"Will you go on a date with me?" He asked.

I bit my lip and looked around like I was thinking. "I don't know. I have to check my schedule." I say.

He rolled his eyes, "Kidding i'm kidding. Yes, I would love to." I say with a laugh.

I kiss his cheek. "Aw damn it, now I got lip gloss on you." I mumble and take his face into my hands.

I straddle his lap as I try my best to get it off. A shiny mark was still on his face with glitter.

"Damn it. Why won't it come off?" I ask.

A throat cleared. I jump and quickly get off of Lee.

My three older brothers stood before us, looking at us.

"I was just getting something off his face. It's not what it looks like." I say.

They stare at us for a moment longer before nodding. I let out a quiet cough and sit back down next to Lee.

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