chapter sixty-one

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I banged on Marco's door

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I banged on Marco's door.

Lola cancelled last minute saying she had a slight problem that she needed to fix then had the nerve to not tell me the damn problem. So here I was at Marco's door at five in the morning so we could train.

He answered the door and when he saw me he tried to shut the door. I put my foot in the door and pushed it. He groaned and let me in.

"You ready?" I ask.

He grabbed his shoes off the rack, "Nope. But I don't think you care."

"You're right. I don't, now hurry up." I say.

I push Marco inside the gym

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I push Marco inside the gym. Lee, Jayden, Kai, Dante, Javier, Luca, Kayden, and Shaylee stand across from us.

"Alright, we all know what happened between you two so let's squash that shit right now. Shaylee," I wave her over.

She comes over, "I never thought that I would say this, but hug each other like your friends and you love each other."

"We're not four years old." Marco said.

"I didn't ask. Hug each other." I say and yank Marco forward.

Marco bends down and they awkwardly hug. "Now apologize for hurting each other's feelings." I say.

"Sorry." They both mumble.

I clap my hands, "Great. Now that that's over. Let's get started with training."

Marco groans when I pull him to a machine. "I didn't have coffee yet."

"It's called a warm-up for a reason. Now get to it or I won't feed you like I promised." I say.

He glared at me, "You pinky swore me. You can't take that back."

"If you don't finish these sets you'll see I can take it back. Now start." I say.

After we finish our warm-up I over look him. I feel on his arm, "Jesus you've lost a lot of muscle." I mumble.

"In five months you'll be fine. Alright, show me what you got." I say and step away from him.

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