chapter twenty-four pt.1

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Today was the day of the mission that I had to be stripper

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Today was the day of the mission that I had to be stripper. And I was dreading it.

Mj got comfortable around us and he met Ollie, Kayla, and Camilla. He really like Kayla, probably because she's great with kids.

I had got Mj a therapist to help with his trauma and his nightmares.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead and looked back at Mj who was standing at the door in his pajamas. I stop the punching bag from swinging.

"What are you doing up Mj?" I ask him.

"I had another nightmare," He said, tears were streaming down his face.

I instantly went to his side and wiped his tears. "It's okay, come on, let's go back to my room." I say.

"Can I have the massager on?!" He asked.

"Yeah, sure." I say and grab his hand.

We walk back to my room and he climbs up in my bed and excitedly grabbed the bed remote. He started to make noises as the bed started to shake, sounding like a robot.

"This is so cool!" He said.

"I'm going to take a shower." I say and go into the bathroom.

I strip out of my sweaty clothes and turn on the water. I get into the shower.

I hop out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body. I go into my bedroom to see Mj knocked out on the bed. I turn off the massager and go into my closet.

I lotion up my body and get dress into business attire. Today I had a meeting with the CEO of Mercedes Benz, Rock Cohen. We're collaborating on a car. I also have one with the CEO of Louis Vuitton, Clarissa Vuitton, although I don't know why i'm having this meeting.

(These are not real names.)

I put on my jewelry and spray perfume.

I made sure my assistant made them sign a contract that they couldn't release my face to the press or tell the press who I am.

If they break that they have to pay a 46 million dollar fine and after I get my money from them I will kidnap them for ransom then get more money. I can't kill them because it'll lead straight to me.

I do my hair and put on my heels. I put on my apple watch and check the time. It was eight am. I pack my bag with my computer and everything I need for the meetings.

I wake Mj up for breakfast, Kayla was coming over to tutor him since it's the end of the school year dad said he'll enroll him next school year.

Mj has trouble reading in english since his first language is Spanish. So Kayla offered to tutor him and make sure he knows everything he needs to know for third grade next year.

He groaned and hid in the blanket. I lightly shake him again, "come on Mj. It's time to wake up. You have tutoring and you have to eat breakfast." I say.

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