chapter twenty-four pt.2

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Natalia got out her wallet and slipped five hundred dollars into my g-string

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Natalia got out her wallet and slipped five hundred dollars into my g-string.

Her hands come to my hair and pull my head back, she looks at me as if she's examining me. She stood up and forced me up off my knees.

People cheered as we walked past, we went into a back room that had a leather couch and purple lights illuminated the room.

She pushed me down on the couch and got on top of me. Her lips came down to kiss me, I stop her.

"That's going to cost you." I say with a smile.

She quickly got out her her wallet and pulled out five hundred dollars and tucked them into my bra.

She slammed her lips onto mine. Her tongue instantly going into my mouth. She tasted like sweet alcoholic.

Her hand tugged my hair back, exposing my neck to her. I let out a moan and and wrapped my legs around her waist.

She got out more money and tugged onto my bra, my breast freeing from the fabric.

Her hands pressed my breast together and let out a low curse. She leaned in and look my nipple into her mouth. I moan and rub my hands through her hair. She bit, licked, and sucked from one to the other.

"How much is it to fuck you?" She asked.

I let out a short chuckle, "I don't fuck for money babe." I say.

"How much? Ten thousand? Twenty?" She asked.

"You sound desperate." I say.

"I'm not desperate." She said, her hand moving lower.

"You just intrigue me." Her fingers played with my g-string, slightly slapping it against my skin.

I smirk at her, "If you want to touch my pussy, that's all the money you have." I say.

She dug in her pocket and pulled out hundreds of dollars that were in a fat stack and put it on the table.

"Done." She said and kiss me.

I scoot up and make it look like i'm trying to get comfortable when i'm really feeling around for the syringe I put in here to knock her out.

Her cold fingers brushed against my clit causing me to shiver. Her fingers move with speed against my clit. I moan, trying to keep her distracted so I can get the syringe.

"Does that feel good?" She whispered against my lips.

I moaned and nodded my head, "So fucking good." I say slightly out of breath.

She was terrible at this. If you are a lesbian at least be good at fingering and not being so rough.

I finally grab the syringe and my hands push her face closer to mine, swirling my tongue around her's.

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