chapter fifty-five

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"Mother fucker," I groan and check to see if the principals were all right

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"Mother fucker," I groan and check to see if the principals were all right.

"Everyone! Please calm down!" Principal Rowe shouted into the mic.

"There's gunshots they're not going to calm down!" I say.

Danny and Carson quickly come up to me, "We need to get you to safety Mrs."

"Tell the guards to direct the kids to the back exit behind the stage and out the staircase. Lead them away from the school. Tell the teachers that too. No one can die here." I say.

They look hesitant, but nod and get off the stage. Mj and Gabe scramble up on the stage. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" I ask.

Mj wiped Khalil's face. "One of the big ass seniors steps on his hand." Mj said.

I get on my knees and take Khalil's hand in mine and kiss it. I massage it a little and give it to more kisses, "That tickles," Khalil said with a giggle.

"I need you guys to get out of here." I say.

Five kids hop up on the stage, "Woah your sister is hot Mj."

Why the hell aren't these kids running around and screaming like the rest of them?

"And she's also engaged. Watch it," He said with a glare.

He held out his hand, "Hi corazón, i'm Logan. Friend of Gabe's and Mj's. That's Lori, Lily, Jordan, and Marcel. Lovely to meet you my love. I can tell we are going to have a wonderful future together—"

"Can you hurry up your fucking speech? She probably even doesn't care doofus." Lori said and smacked him.

"Wow you middle schoolers curse like crazy."

Mj tugged on my arm and I leaned down, "They're family is part of the Lavar Cartel. That's why they're not freaking out."

"Good to know." I say.

"We have to go now, Mj make sure you don't let go of Khalil's hand. You know the back exit to the stage?" I ask.

"We were planning to take that way out. It's fun watching civilians squirm around like fish out of water." Jordan said.

I raise a brow, "Right . . . take the back exit. I'm sure Danny and Carson have called for backup. Run as far—" Another explosion goes off, knocking us off our feet.

"Got damnit! I don't know how many falls my ass can take!" Lily said with a wince.

"Well that plan is definitely gone." Gabe said.

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