Chapter 24

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"We did it. We did it!" Kate hugged and squeezed me.

"I know." I hugged her back and laughed.

"Dad!" I turned and hugged my dad. I was filled with joy today. I graduated with my best friend and my dad was there.

"I am so proud of you, Y/N." My dad said letting go of the hug with a soft smile.

A hand softly went across the back of me. I turned around to see Jimin.

"Y/N," Jimin said with a gentle tone.

Kate put her hands on her hips with a smile, "Ray, have you met Jimin Park, Y/Ns boyfriend?"

As much as that sounded nice...I knew we couldn't have that kind of relationship and to top that...we can't be public.

Jimin turned to my dad and shook his hand, "Ah. Great pleasure to meet you."

My dad looked impressed but because of who Jimin was.

"Likewise. I really enjoyed your speech." My dad answered.

I looked at Jimin and smiled.

"Thank you, sir," Jimin said with a confident smile. He was so handsome.

"Sounds like you've accomplished some pretty impressive things." My dad added.

"I'll say." Kate said under her breath, "im gonna go find my family, who've been patiently waiting to embarrass me." Kate went in to hug my dad. "Bye. Come see us in Seattle, okay?"

I looked over at Jimin who was already looking at me with a smile. Who was this man today? I like him.

"So, how long have you known each other?" My dad cut the tension.


"A few weeks now." Jimin saved me. "We actually met when Y/N interviewed me for the student newspaper."

My dad nodded with his arms crossed.

"Uh, picture, please, Mr. Park?" A man with a camera appeared from the crowd.

"Uh, excuse us a moment," Jimin said touching my sides and turning me around.

He turned me a little to face the camera and realized he wanted me to take the picture with him.

"Big smile now." The man said.

Jimin put his hand around my waist and smiled.

My whole body tensed up.

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