Chapter 25

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"Does your client deny forcing entry into this penthouse?" The judge asked Jacks lawyer.

"He does not, Your Honor. However, my client had exhausted all legitimate means of redress and merely wanted to confront the parties responsible for destroying his career." Jacks lawyer announced.

"I think he wanted to do more than confront them, counselor." The judge said.

I sat in the back of the courthouse along with Sawyer and I could see that Jack wasn't liking with what he had heard, "These are not the actions of an innocent man seeking redress. However," the judge added, breathing out, "given his clean record, the court will grant bail. Set at $500, 000."

"Your honor." Jacks lawyer called out.

She slammed down, "Next case."

A police officer walked over to Jack and escorted him from his chair. It disgusted me how much his lawyer wanted to prove him innocent when he was everything but that.

I kept my face low and hid my eyes underneath my sunglasses. I looked up at saw that Jack was smiling. His eyes were bloodshot and he had heavy bags under his eyes. Revenge was definitely still in his agenda.

I felt my stomach spin and my mouth water. I swallowed my saliva and quickly stood and rushed out of the courtroom, towards the bathrooms. I ran inside a stall and instantly threw up. I felt nauseous and uneasy. I panted while I flushed the toilet.

I walked out of the stall and made my way to the bathroom sinks and washed my hands. I could still taste the sourness. Was I stressed? Should I have come? I don't understand...why all of a sudden?, it can't be.


I bounced my leg anxiously as I sat in front of Dr. Greenes desk. I hadn't taken the minipill since Jimin and I had broken up. After so long, I had forgotten about it.

"I did leave a lot of messages." Dr. Greenes said.

"I know...I-I've been busy, it just kind of slipped through the cracks." I said, shaking.

She nodded, "Hmm...Before we start..."

Dr. Greene instructed me to do a pee test that would be in the bathroom down the hall.

I picked up a container and immediately, my heart began to race. God, I hope I'm not...this won't be pretty.

After waiting for the test results, Dr. Greene called me back into her office. I felt even more nauseous than before. That test has to be negative. It has to be...but the looks of it...I haven't taken those pills in a long time.

"It's seems you're pregnant, Mrs. Park." Dr. Greene informed.

"It's, uh...I'm...what?" I could feel my body swaying and I started to feel dizzy.

"The shot is almost 100% effective...when administrated regularly." She added.

How could I have forgotten about it? Jimin and I had done a lot of sex. Of course I'm pregnant did I forget?...I'm pregnant. I didn't want to believe it and asked for an ultrasound.

I laid on the table, a complete nervous wreck. Surely, it was a false positive.

"There. It's heartbeat." Dr. Greene said, pointing at the monitor.

I was pregnant. No doubt about it now. The baby was so small and it was definitely there, "It's just like a little blip." I said to myself.

"I'd say it's six, seven weeks." Dr. Greene said.

"Little blip." I mumbled. My head spun the more I looked at the monitor but I couldn't help but feel...happy. I was going to have a baby...I was pregnant...with Jimin's baby. How am I going to tell him that I'm pregnant? Will he be...happy too?


Jimin and I sat at the dinner table while I picked at my food. My nerves were getting the best of me.

"How'd it go today?" Jimin asked.

"Uh, good. I got a visit from Detective Clark. Apparently, Hyde is trying to say that I came on to him." I answered, poking at my chicken. I felt so guilty. As much as I should be worrying about Jack, I couldn't cut out the thought of knowing that there was a living being inside me.

"He expects people to believe that?" Jimin asked.

"It's his word against mine." I mumbled, pushing aside my chicken.

"Is that what's bothering you?" Jimin asked, placing down his fork, "Y/n, no one will believe him. And the other assistants, they'll tell the detectives he did the same..."

"I'm pregnant." I stared down at my plate as I dropped my fork. The room fell silent. I was scared to look up at Jimin but I had to. I had to know if he was happy or not, but deep down...I knew this wasn't what he least, right now.

He was pale and he looked as if he had seen a ghost.

"Six or seven weeks." I added.

Jimin scoffed as he looked away from me, "You forgot your shot," he looked down at the table, "Christ, Y/n."

"I'm sorry." I could feel my eyes water, "I know it's not good timing."

"I had plans for us!" Jimin yelled out. His eyebrows furrowed, "I wanted to give you the world." Why was I not surprised that this was how he would react? He leaned back into his chair, "Do you really think that I'm ready to be a father?"

"No. And...I'm not ready to be a mother, either, but we'll just figure it out." I tried...not to cry. I wanted be happy...but he wasn't. I could feel my heart break and all he could do was laugh.

"I'm not ready to figure it out." He stood, throwing his napkin into his chair and left.

I could feel my chest ache once he left. I had hoped...that he'd stay. Take me in...tell me what I wanted to hear but instead...he left. He was gone for hours. No text and no call.

I rubbed my stomach as I looked out the window in our bedroom, "He'll be back." I whispered.

Would he?

I crawled over the covers on the bed and laid down. I closed my eyes and waited for a sound. Anything, a sign telling me that he had come back, but I heard nothing.

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