Night off

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I awoke to my cell phone's alarm going off, startling me and wolfy, whom was still resting his head and paw on my lap.

"Damnit! I forgot I had work today !" I couldn't just trust this wolf to be here alone, so I contemplated calling in sick.

'Can they find someone on time ? Should I say I am sick? Possibly just go in later?' I began thinking.

My, there goes my perfect attendance.


"Hi this is Hunnie Inzotta calling out for April 29th's 4pm shift." I hated to call out only one hour before my shift starts, but that should give them enough time to find a replacement for tonight.

Although for a Friday night, I did expect the ER to be full all night and, I did expect to get shit on Sunday from the other nurses.

The whole time I was on the phone, the wolf stayed in the exact same spot.

I talked to him intriguingly, while running my fingers through his black silky fur. He raised his head to me and tried to lick my face again, but I moved my head away.

'This whole licking the face thing needs to stop!'

"Or are you hungry again?"  I asked him ignoring my thoughts.

When I went to go stand up, he got up with me and started to whimper again.

"What is it boy?" I said looking down at him.

Maybe he really is hungry. Gosh, this is going to be hard work, keeping him hidden...and quiet!

Walking over to my dresser, I grabbed the box that held my energy bars. I unwrapped two and placed it down on the carpet near the window. This way I have enough time to cook something up quickly.

'Noodles! Everyone loves ramen noodles!' Nodding to myself in agreement. I had no idea where the thought came from, but we do have noodles in the pantry.

Walking into the kitchen I see the twins at it again. Arguing and criticizing each other's cooking.

They each were making a stuffed chicken breast.


I slid passed them, not wanting to waste any more time and went to the cabinets.

I decided on making 5 bags of ramen noodles so me and Wolfy could both eat. Just from the thought, my stomach started to form it's own butterflies. 'Why the hell would I get butterflies from that?'

I let my mind ponder to its' self. I wasn't cooking for my man, I was cooking for an animal. Silly me.


"What the hell" I accidentally said out loud, causing the twins to look over the counter at me.

I smiled and shrugged it off,  pretending I didn't have a gigantic wolf in my room who was probably destroying it. I started to sweat nervously as I heard another thump, but this time a lot louder. I slowly walked over to my door after setting a pot of water to boil.

When I opened the door and slammed it shut behind me, I seen Wolfy shaking his fur near the window.

Uhh, wait a second. 'Did he just come from outside my window ?' A light clicked in my head as I looked down at muddy paw prints on the windowsill.

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