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Bahm 🤴🏻

Exhaustion was taking over me and my thoughts as I waited for Hunnies return back to Witchy World. I wanted more of her, but I also wanted to give her some time to think about us. Hoping my little sample would put her mind to ease about yesterday.

I could feel my demonic energy taking its toll after I had ran and teleported from her house. Using too much energy while not getting enough sleep from the Demon Realm.

Usually after protecting the barrier of earth from the demons of hell, I would sleep the whole day, spending most of my days at night. But since I've come back to the states I only cared about seeing Hunnie as much as I could. Drained or not.

"Hey! Im going to nap right here" I said to Kris and pointed at the same large picnic table Hunnie's friends were seated at.

"Go nap in the car! It's hot out here!" He yelled back at me while he played football with some rogues.

"It's not hot to me. Don't wake me. I'll get up on my own."

With that, I made my way to the table and sat at the very end, burying my head under my hoodie and placing my head on the nice and hot steel table top.

I had a really good dream. I could still and always hear my surrounding but tune it out and let sleep take over me. Light sleeper but heavy dreamer.

In the dream, Hunnie was finally living with me and Kris and we were even sharing her together. Covering every inch of her smooth peanut buttery skin.

"Hunnie's here" I heard a very soft voice say somewhere around me. I was too useless and tired to wake up and see who, so I kept sleeping and dreaming away.

Hunnie is definitely here.         \(* 👅 * )/

The hot sun beating down through my black hoodie felt oh to good.

Having been born inside a volcano, with lots of magical protection and a diamond crafted net to hoist me from the lava, made me love the heat

I get chilly if the weather is under 75 degrees and I never got hot unless I was under the influence of drugs or from dancing.

"Mmmm, you like that baby" in my dream I was lapping away at Hunnie again.

This time I snuck in through her window and underneath her sheets, waking her up to the euphoric feeling of ecstasy.

Hunnie was a hot and sexy woman, whom had lots of pride. She was smart, and the thickness that surrounded her hips could drive any man mad!

She holds her head high, but never expects less from people.

Even in my dreams she drove me mad! I could practically feel her lips wrapping around my thickly veined phallus.

I pushed her head down onto my tip and made her gag. To my enjoyment she brought her mouth even lower and wiggled her mouth around my long shaft.

"We are so loud! How is he still sleeping?" I heard a few lingering voices around me. Not even they could break the wet dream I was having.

I felt a hand on my lap start shaking me slightly. On reaction I moved my hands to it in my sleepy state of mind. The hand was small and cold and gripped onto mines. It felt too good...I brought it onto the steel table in my sleep and held onto it.

"Grrmm...mmm" I mumbled in my sleep.

"Dude what the...... are you doing. Let......her..hand!...
You are....Hunnie Mad!" I faintly heard an angry and annoying voice ring in my head.

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