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"Will you be ok...if I wanted to touch you?" Anna breaks the kiss, breathing heavily with her low eyes melting right into mine. I nod right away while staring at her lips.

She bites her bottom lips before she leans onto my mouth and suckles my top lip into her mouth. Her hand snakes between my thighs, separating them for easier access. I part them willingly, excited to feel more of her touches than the ones from the shower.

I moan in her mouth when her hands comes rubbing my moist bits from top to bottom. Her French kisses become more demanding and I lean farther back and onto my back. With my legs still open she continues You run her hands all through my folds and nibbles on my bottom lip. My snatch was already beginning to get soaked as she aroused me plenty.

Her thighs come over one of mine. I could feel her wet parts sliding along my flesh when she starts to grind against me. Her hand comes over my clit, rubbing in a slow and circular motion. I bucked my hips under her hands loving the feeling. I was going to burst a lot sooner than I thought.

Anna removes her mouth from mine, straddling over my body and begins to lick my neck down to my collar bone. The sensation causing my toes to curl.

Her hips start to rock back and fourth against my waist. Her slime rubbing all against my my lady bits. A moan escaping my mouth when she grinds her lower body quicker onto of me. The build up of an orgasm right at its peek.

She confused me when she paused her actions and positions one leg underneath mine, rubbing our soaking wet folds together. It felt so heavenly when her slippery vagina was pressed closely to mine. I grind back against her slit and clit, falling into a tingly sensation of pleasure. A few more moans and groans leaving my body as it felt so good. She holds onto my legs to pull us closer together and I could feel her clit rubbing against mine.

My moaning becoming heavy when Anna starts to groan and quicken her pace against my flesh. Noises of watery and slippery goodness was heard between our thighs, sending me to climax all over her shaved snatch. I whimpered as I came undone on her and she stops her actions, positioning her face between my legs and lapping away at my dripping and sensitive parts. My body jerked and trembled on her tongue. She was just as good as Bahm was.

When Anna was done she laid down next to me. I questioned her if she even caught a release and she assured me she already did. She says she's more of a pleaser thank worrying about her self and it reminded me heavily of my mate.

She's just like him, but in woman form, her touches even felt soothing and comforting. Not a bone in my body read bad intentions from this woman. I wished to stay here laid up next to her, not thinking about anything but the way she treats me.

Maybe....Just maybe...


Back in the castle of Ghabaàr

An angry Bahm throws his sofa across his room, shattering the glass window by his bookshelves. His maidens enter into his room to let him know that Azalea must be taken back to her people to be cared for, but they were too frightened to give him the bad news. He was already upset and didn't care what he picked up to throw. He threw anything.

A lego version of his castle goes flying everywhere when he picks up the table that held it, smashing the glass onto the ground. The maids Giyah and Opi were very worried. What had their King upset this time.

They knew Hunnie's absence had bothered him dearly as his mother had sent out many maids to take time off from the castle. Now his other mate has to leave as well for her blood pressure was too high and has been spiking daily!

"What's going on!" Yelled a concerned Kris. He looks to the two maids in the room who was cowering in the corner and covering their mouths.

"We don't know!" They cried. Kris dodged a few metals and pictures frames flying off into the distance and finally approaches Bahm.

"Why have you been ignoring me in the link. What's wrong?"

"MY CHEST!" He roars at Kris, whom stands there confused. 'Why is he so upset about his chest?' Kris had began wondering to himself.

He tried his hardest to calm his friend down, but Bahm was furious. More furious than he's been the past week with Hunnie's leave.

"I don't get it. What's wrong with your chest?" His eyebrows comes closer together, watching Bahm breathe heavily.


"WHAT A LITTLE...FÙCKING....WHORE!!!" He screams so loud the glass windows in his room shatters. Only giving his magical maidens more things around the castle that they have to fix.

Kris thought carefully about what Bahm had said. His chest hurts, and the only thing he could think of was something was wrong with Hunnie. It didn't come across his mind that their mate was actually being intimate with someone else. Anna of course.

"What do you mean Bahm! Is it Hunnie?
Please calm down..." Kris cautiously mumbles, placing his hand tenderly onto the shoulder of the seething Bahm.

He turns to face Kris with his canines elongated, eyes wide and red and breathing rapidly. His chest huffing with anger you'd think steam was ready to come out of his ears.

"SHE'S FINALLY CAUGHT FEELINGS FOR FÙCKING ANNA KRIS!!!!" Bahm pulls the hairs on his head and bites his bottom lip excruciatingly hard his fangs pierce right through. Blood oozing down his lips and down his chin, his eyes even seemed glossy.

A saddened look plays across the face of Kris as he just stands there not knowing what to do during his companions break down. He became worried for what Bahm says is really true. He had been fearing this exact moment, and luckily for him, he couldn't hear what was going on far away in The Kingdom of Vampari. Bahm could hear all of it! There stupid noise spell didn't work on him.

"AHHHH!!! She loved every minute!!!" Bahm throws all his belongings off of his dresser, he's trying hard to not lash out or do something murderous, so tearing apart his room was the only option right now.

Kris goes to open his mouth to say something, but it shortly closes. A sudden ache moves in his heart. He knew this was going to happen ever since he was thrown out of the castle by Anna. He thought going to spend time with his mate would hopefully bring her back to them, but Bahm just had to go and mess it up. Letting his anger and jealousy get the best of him.

How could he think Anna would do anything to take his mate from him? Anna has always had much love for Bahm, though she never fell in love with him as he did to her. As much as Kris taunts and hates Anna, he's sure she won't do anything to harm a hair on their mate's head. Bahm never did anything to harm Draconius to the fullest, after all.

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