You've Left Me No Other Option

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Hunnie's P.O.V

I was scared. I didn't mean to shove him away, but he was hurting me.

"Y-Y-Your Higness!" 

"SHUT UP AZALEA!" He roars, and his grip around my throat begins tightening. 

His eyes turning black right before my eyes. The pressure around my neck making my eyes water and my swallowing turning harshly. I choke, my air doesn't escape smoothly anymore.

"I thought I said... NO FIGHTING. HUH!" He bellows again, grinding his words.

Not being able to get any words out, I began bawling under his grasp. Clueless on what to do next under these circumstances. I couldn't t breathe and the perpetrator to this all of this, was my fated mate. 

'Dear sisters, please help. I do not want to die. Not by his hand...please!' I began praying in my head. 

A purple glint flashes in his eyes. His dark and magical aura coming to the surface. I should be doing whatever I need to do in order to survive him now. He sees me as a threat because of my magic, well I see him as a monster now, not my mate.

Summoning my dark magic barrier bubble, I defend myself and watch Bahm's body fly away from mine. A gasp leaving Azalea's mouth before she lowered her body to sit behind Bahm's seat.

My eyes try and scan the room, looking for his whereabouts. Coughing and gasping for air, I feel hands pull me by my hair and off the ground, throwing me against the clothing lockers across the room. My face hitting the wooden frame immediately before my body bounces off and lands on the floor.

I land on my wrist painfully, falling onto my back as I ricocheted off. My forehead wet and liquids falling into my eyes. I hear Azalea pleading and crying, but my ears were ringing from the impact. I was so hurt physically, emotionally and mentally. Ready to give up...

I sit up, a bone protrudes from my wrist and I wrap my hand around it. I turn and see Bahm standing across the room with Azalea sitting on the ground by his feet.

I cough and cough, preparing to crawl away when he begins taking robotic steps towards my direction. His eyes still black, claws out and his fangs elongating out of his mouth.

In my peripheral view, I see something red and black land on my shoulder. I look to see a small bird, so small, you'd think it was a baby mouse. Red feathers and a black strip along it's belly. It chirped and sounded like it said, "Anna".

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