Losing It

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Bahm (►̃ ◄̃)

Waking up to my body's heat sizzling out from my pores, my demons just wouldn't let me sleep peacefully. Not tonight.

 They were craving to cause more destruction, and the more I ignored them, and continued holding back, the more I felt their claws scraping against my skin internally.

I was a ticking time bomb. I needed to taste and feel fear again!

I sat up in the bed, not surprised both Kris and Hunnie stirred awake from the feeling of the bed sinking in. Kris looks at me more confused than Hunnie's sleepy eyes did.

"You should sleep?" He groans and stretches his arms out. He's very much used to seeing me sleeping during the day. 

"Not tired..." 

I was having a difficult time controlling my demons.

I could sense Hunnie's worry for me through the bond and Kris's curiousness, they all could tell somethings wrong...

I get up from the bed and walk over to my closet. The hairs on my arms stick right up and my fangs elongated over my bottom lip.

The demons were coming to the surface!

 Even if it was for a few moments, they wanted to be let out! Especially my Wolf-Demon!

"What is it?" Kris channeled over to me in our link. Feeling my body on the verge of shifting.

"Can't....con...trol!!" my demonic voice snarls in the link.

"WHAT! Control WHAT?!!! He roars in the link nervously.

I hear him shuffle his way off of the bed and towards the closet. Walking over to the farthest corner of my closet, and out of Hunnie's view, I turned around and showed him my disfigured, half-shifter face.

"Stop them!" He says in a panic and looks over at the door to see Hunnie sitting at the edge of the bed.

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