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Bahm 💊

All three of us had a late breakfast around 11 this morning. Kris mentioned feeling my rage in his chest and suggested I take some "happy pills," as he calls it.


"Take just like 3 happy pills bro. You are killing me. I rather you feel high and shit, than this cold fiery feeling in my chest!"

Hunnie walks into the kitchen and sits down next to us before devouring the buttered pancakes I made. My mate was starving and I wished I could be here for her mentally after all the shit she's been through, but I can't even control myself, so how could I be there for her....

"I have to call my job. I don't know what to tell them." Hunnie speaks, looking at both Kris and I.

"Just tell them that....wait...how have you been able to be out this long?" Kris mumbles out with a full mouth of bacon.

"I told them..." she pauses before her lips curves up so delicately.

"I told them I had a death in the family. They've been pretty understanding." Her face red and I chuckle.

"Okay...so tell them you have to quit, because you are moving due to that death...duh!" Kris's fat, stuffed mouth, blurts out.

Hunnie thinks before nodding in agreement.

Kris proceeds to leave the kitchen and hands Hunnie her cellphone. He helps her come up with the words and  I kissed her on her forehead before leaving the kitchen.

She definitely getting used to her second mate.

Immediately zooming over to Kris's room, I took 4 ecstasy pills out a little zip-lock baggy and swallowed them all. Blocking my communication channel from Kris, after telling him I was going to go blow off some steam, I  didn't need him feeling what I was about to commit.

I changed into an all black track suit and combat boots before teleporting to a boardwalk in New Jersey.

Meeting with Tiff, whom was cloaked with my mother's famous cloaking spell.

The same one I use. Did she not think I wouldn't know about this spell?

I happened to bump into her on the busy boardwalk and she knew immediately what time it was. She didn't even put up a fight and excused herself from her family.

Following me around to the boardwalk's public restroom, she met me with her head held high, holding onto her blouse.

"Ahh... The Merciless Demon King.
So this it?" She nervously asked me and tries to hold her head up.

"Of course it is. I respect you for dismissing yourself in front of your family. I'll make sure to make it look like a shark got a hold of you." I smirked deviously.

I could hear her heart starting to race before she shuts her eyes.

Using my demon speed, I came close to her face, leaning over and asking the red haired woman,

She opened her brown eyes and stared at me in confusion.

"Why my mate?" I said coldly. Smelling her panic stricken fear leaving her pores.

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