Lets Fight (Part two)

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"You aren't fighting me...are you Kris?"Leolo chuckled while holding his sword to his stomach.

"You damn right! 

And....I ain't...holding...back...EITHER!" 

I inhaled and charged directly at his cackling body.

He didn't think I was going to attack him so soon, so I got the upper hand on landing him down to his back.

He shot up quickly with his old vampire speed.

"Wow, what has you all upset?"
Leolo circles around me.

His eyes were scanning over my panting body.

"You sure you wanna do this? You might still have a hangover from last night." He says.

I huffed and held my Sickle sword tightly.

"Let's go old man!" I shot him a sick smile showing my jagged, slimy fangs.

I bet, I might even have to get hurt before Bahm even comes out...



Lunging into the air and sliding above my head, I caught Leolo by his sword. Slicing my palm open, I yank it away from him. 

I didn't want to use swords anyways, so I chucked my sword and his towards the castle. 

"Okay then. Let's do this." In his deep polish accent.

He ran his pale fingers through his blonde shoulder length hair, and adjusted his breeches.

We both ran towards each other, executing blow after blow and scratch after scratch, until Leolo kicked me in my abdomen, sending me flying a few feet away.

He wasn't wasting any time.

His boots come into my view at super sonic speed and I rolled away from his oncoming stomp.

He tried again to lunge at my body that was on the ground, but I kick my legs up, hitting his chest.

Now I was standing up. Regaining my strength and breath. Also giving my body the seconds it needed to heal from that kick.

"Tired yet Kris? I'm just getting started baby cub!"

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