Do what we like (Part two)

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I grasped Bahm's hand tightly as I turned the knob to the doors of the house. Walking in to an empty kitchen.

Having worn one of Bahm's dressy t-shirts I looked somewhat proper.

Hearing catty bitches chitchat, I stepped in and peered to my right, to see a full parlor of all the girls in the house.

Including the 2nd witch in command, Dina.

She sat up too quickly at the edge of her seat, and threw whatever book she was reading, down.

"Hunnie..." her voice whispered to me, and I turned my gaze away from her sympathetic face.

I gripped Bahm's hand tightly, dragging him to the kitchen. I was shaking out of anger and didn't want it to be seen. 

The room was beyond quiet. I could here our sandals and flips flops walking all through the empty kitchen, grabbing large black bags and scurrying to my room. I just wanted this to be quick without any problems.

I whispered my protection spell away from my door and opened it. Bahm stayed at the door way, with his arms crossed and facing into the kitchen.

I was beginning to hear feet moving about in the parlor area and a little chuckle left Bahm's lips.

I hurriedly emptied all the clothing I had from my closet into the first black bag I had. It filled the whole entire thing and I was worrying I didn't grab enough bags for everything. My anxiety was starting to kick in.

I had 3 bags left and made my way for all my books, treasures and hair things from my dresser top and filled another bag. This one, I had to double because the books in it would easily tear if lifted.

The last bag was filled with my clothing from my dresser, my pajamas, socks, bras, e.t.c.
Then, I threw in my hair diffuser and more hygiene products.

I looked around my room in a panic, as I still had a hamper of dirty laundry, more books on my end table and all of my shoes!!

"You need more?" Bahm's says from behind me, tearing me from my anxiety.

"I'll get it. Just stay here." He left through the opened door, and across to the kitchen.

I nodded at his request and felt nervous for him to be in the witches view again. They must know about my Demon-Wolf mate by now, and how he destroyed the council.

"D-Don't t-take...all...p-please.." I heard one of the twins's soft and nervous voice break out. Leela.

The kitchen was her sanctuary and I should've known she would be the first to say something smart. Though, I was worried for Bahm's reaction to her words. He took a few seconds to reply back to her

"Shut up witch..." He groaned impatiently.

"We'll do what we like!"

I heard them sucking on their teeth with snickering ridicules leaving some of their mouths, but it quickly stopped when I heard Bahm start to make his way over to the parlor.

I got up quickly and walked over to my door, stuck my head out and peered at him. 

"Bahm!...." I yelled over to him.

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