Demon-Wolf Mate

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Hunnie's 👩🏻‍🦱 P.O.V

"I'll kill them all if you want me to," Bahm whispered into my ears.

He was beginning to lap away at my earlobes and I couldn't help to fall into his sultry, slick moves.

I turned my head to face him.

"Don't kill them, they will pay for what they did." I whispered to him,cupping the side of his face.

He leans into my touch, rubbing his face all over my palms.

'Oh how I thought I would never feel this touch again.'

Bahm's eyes bore into mine. He examines my face and then my naked body.

My eyes penetrated even deeper into his and he captures my lips with his wet ones. I could feel his hard member poking my stomach.

I indulged in his passionate kiss and opened my mouth to let his tongue in. Instead, he suckles on my bottom lips hungrily.

I opened my eyes and my legs trembled with a throbbing ache between my thighs.

"I love you too Bahm" I spoke through our kiss.

He growled before he broke away to lap at my mark.

Sparks flying between us both, making my toes curl.

The feeling of being close to him like this, was so euphoric to my core.

He made my body feel so good with his touches, I totally forgot about being kidnapped today.

He plants another wet, sensual kiss to my lips.

My body shuddered and he lays me down, trailing kisses all the way down to my navel.

My body still ached from my torturing. I felt dirty from Fonz and Jahred

"Bahm," I whimpered out and almost like he knew what I was going to say, he cuts me off.

"I washed you, Hunnie." He moans softly, sticking his tongue out and swiping against my clit.

My body melted away in his delight. He devoured my bits like it was a delicious nice cream cone.

My body arched and I grabbed onto his head, pushing his face deeper into my bits, and he groans, the vibration radiating on my folds.

He drove me wild.

I couldn't get enough of him.

He can take care of me in my worst vulnerable times.

I was so thankful for him in so many ways, but right now I was exhausted.

His tongue brought me tranquility and peace as I found myself soaked in my own juices.

His hot breath fanning between my legs made me berserk with excitement. My legs quivered and my stomach tightened.

I soon found my release on his tongue as he groans and moans away.

Fulfillment through the highest depths of heaven.

He comes back up to my neck and licks at my mark, before nibbling on it painfully.

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