The Queens

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One week later


My eyes fluttered open to horror this morning.

Bahm hovering over my bed after not seeing this betraying asshole for almost one week!

"There's an important party tonight, introducing the Queen and you mustn't act out tonight. My mother's finest comrades will be there to judge us all." He says flat out, as I grip the blanket closer to my face.

I stay there underneath him, staring evily into his eyes with disgust. Wanting to cry under the blankets, but wanting to also scratch his eyes out. My body starts to react to him being this close to me in a while.

"You are my mate still, and shall not be disrespectful to me in anyone's presence. My Kingdom won't take lightly to it." He continues and eyeballs my face.

"Azalea will be introduced there too, so no fighting Hunnie." He comes off the bed and stands up. Walking towards the door.

My heart shattered. Thinking it was going to just be a party for us two to attend. His Queen, not the both of us! I was more emotionally embarrassed to be looked at as a woman sharing her mate...her soulmate. Bahm was my mate first!

I've been in so much pain this whole week, mostly in my heart as it felt like it was ripping in two. Is this what betrayal feels like? Not once had he came to check on me, only giving demands to his maids yesterday to not feed me until I came out on my own.

How could he do this to me!

"Why are you being this way? Are you...have you....been...sleeping with this woman... the whole week you haven't even visited me once?" My eyes became teary as I already knew the answer. My lips trembled.

He ignores me and continues to grab the handle of the door. "I can do as I please with you both, and you needed to be punished for acting like a child." He opens the door and shoots me a blank look.

I lay there, repeating his words that seemed to move my heart unsettlingly. I watched him enter through the doors, but he pauses and lowers his head.

"And if you refuse, I'll throw you in the dungeons for disobedience. Don't ruin the bond by being selfish.

My heart racing from the animosity of it all, boiling over with blood. How would I ruin the bond! He's ruining it by casting me out. I basically mean nothing to him anymore. Even the way he looks at me, it's not his usual look of love.

Had he been bewitched!

Making my way out of bed and towards my bathroom

After I showered, I stayed in the room for some hours, until I decided to go to the dining hall and find food finally. In search of some sweets mostly.

Kris texted me on my phone earlier about the castle chef baking lots of desserts for tonight.  I had finally gotten my phone back three days ago. Bahm still kept my journal and it made me extremely agitated! I'm sure he was reading everything in there!

I felt violated once again, shunned, invisible...

I dragged my feet to the dining hall. Ignoring everyone in the halls and not even glancing their way, mostly maidens and guards. I was too embarrassed to look at anyone when I had a mate whom marked another woman. They all included her in their every day lives and it furiated me! Yet, they were all fine with me locking myself in my room.

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