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Heading back over to our parlor, I poured myself another shot and shake my head at the animalistic sounds coming from the bathroom.

Going back to the files I came across, from being near Hunnie's phone, I skimmed through the owners phone. The phone belonged to Evie, and I should've know she would be the one to take it, as she always had a thing for Hunnie.

There was also another phone in the room, this one had locked files on it, that I easily broke into. This one had pictures of Jahred in it. It must belong to him.

A particular files catches my attention as its named, "Taste of Honey"

YOLO BAYBAYYYY!!!" The video starts with Evie throwing the rocker sign and holding some chicks legs over her shoulder.

I knew she was into girls for a very long time, but I have never seen her in the act like this. She was usually very secretive when it came to that subject.

The camera zooms in on her lips and captures the moment she lifts the woman's green sparkly dress above her pretty pussy, and laps away.

It seemed like the woman was sitting on the lap
Of another person, whom sat on a toilet.

"Mmmmm she's so wet! YESSS BABY!!!" Evie yells again, and to my horrifying shock....

That woman.... is Hunnie...

The camera shows her head bobbing and lulled all over the place, like she was heavily intoxicated or even drugged.

I could see Jahred was the one operating the camera, by his deep voice and brown skin that kept appearing to roam around on her body. He held the camera in every angle he could.

His fingers rubbing the swells of Hunnie's clit and Evie licking his fingertips.

I was livid!

I threw my glass of scotch and it shattered all along the floor next to me. What else has these people done to her!

"You good?" Bahm speaks through the mind link, but I ignore it.

I couldn't even talk. I needed to control my anger before he started to feel it. He would not like this at all.

They had a good day today and I didn't want to inform them about another traumatic event, Hunnie might not be able to take it this time around.

I ran my hands slowly through my hair. I hold it in there for a few seconds, pulling at the roots.

Closing my eyes, I suppress the rage and bile that was starting to form at the bottom of my throat. I could sense Bahm listening in on what it was that was making me so worked up.

"You ok?" Bahm's deep and smooth voice rings out again.

"Yes....I'm fine."

Bahm could sense that something was bothering me, he could also tell I was lying.

The images of her intoxicated body hunched back on the toilet seat kept coming to my mind. Putting a wall up so Bahm couldn't see into my thoughts. How did Hunnie allow herself to get in a state like that with those two around?

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