Chaptet 50. But wait! There's more

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Bahm's 🧑🏻‍🦱 P.O.V

"Like a demon...
...from hell?" She whispers.

"No, not from hell," I say, "I was born here on earth."

"Ohh... I've never heard that before." I could sense she was a bit shaken by the mystical bombardment of information.

"I told you, I'm special baby!" I say in a playful manner. Hoping to ease her feelings.

"And..a lot stronger than your whole coven combined..."

Kris snickers at my remark and looks over to Hunnie.

"Should I be scared?" She blurts out randomly with a racing heart.

Kris and I both raise our eyebrows in confusion. Of course she shouldn't be!

"No, why would you need to be?" Kris was the first one to speak.

"How is he a demon....I-I mean.. I'm trying to understand." She stammers out again, rubbing her elbows this time.

I didn't want my mate afraid of me, but I can't hide the fact I'm a Demon anymore.

"My dad was a full Demon-Wolf. He met my mom and she gave birth to me..." She shoots me daggers, but I was only trying to revive the atmosphere.

"His mom's tribe made a lot of....
dark...sacrifices" Kris begins and pulls out a joint from behind his ear.

"While bahm was in her womb, they prayed to dark gods, for certain....mythical and.....
dark abilities..."

Hunnie seemed intrigued as her eyes flicker from Kris and then to me. Almost if she wanted me to confirm what Kris was saying was true.

"I think bahm got addicted to the sacrifices in her womb and she ended up giving birth to him early after they stopped the rituals." Kris continues for me.

It was much of a touchy subject. The memories....haunt me. My birth mother made me into something she can't even stand...

"Actually ..." I chime in.

"They didn't only sacrifice dark objects....or witches to Hiliana..." I exhaled out and looked over to meet her eyes.

She was trying to read my face. I'm sure she could now feel her mates sorrow.

"They sacrificed thousands of supernatural beings, including demons to me. Their blood was like an energy drink for me and I absorbed all their powers while a fetus."

"Oh.... wow..." she whispered.

"I don't need to drink blood... but, I am drawn to powerful essences. Depending who it is, I might just have a bite." I winked to her.

"I'm not letting you drink my blood Bahm," She smirks back after thinking for a while.

"You don't have to, I already did, and you were sooo delicious, my little witch!"

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