Havoc Wreck

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Hunnie 👰🏻‍♀️

In five minutes Anna and I were going to make our way outside to the back of their castle. We were surrounded with a dozen maidens and guards here in the dining room chattering. Everyone was filled with smiles, drinks and being so polite.

But me, I was such a nervous wreck. I felt so sick my hand kept coming up to hold my stomach. Hoping no one would notice.  A lingering aura of skepticism and anger kept fueling from my pores. I knew this wasn't my feelings, it had to of been Bahm's, it just had to.

It honestly made me upset to feel this way because I should be happy and I didn't want Anna to think I wasn't. I was very happy to marry her today. I saw she could bring me much light in my world.

I was ecstatic when she offered to spend the rest of her life with me, obviously making sure that I would be able to handle being linked with her as a mate. It took me almost a week to give her an answer, hoping it wasn't to just get back at Bahm, but truth be told, she's prove me wrong every time. I felt very connected and comfortable with her. She puts all my anxiety and fears to rest. Her brain was filled with so much knowledge she even was able to help me come up with different kind of spells to counteract any of Bahm's abilities. Such as his abilities to see and hear my thoughts.

Hearing that I would be her mate after the ceremony did send chills throughout my body, but I believed in her and her people were treating me as though I was a Queen to them. Even their King Fehdrik. He adored me much, always sending me different chocolates and snacks from all around the world filled with energetic boosters and inviting Anna and I to watch his daughter Cyn spare for up coming battles with rogues.

"Here. It's champagne!" Anna comes up to me by the dining room counter handing me a glass filled with sparkling liquid. Did I look that nervous! Mmm... it smells good.

I chuckled at her and grabbed the glass, pressing it closely to my lips as her enchanting eyes watch me consume all the bubbly contents.

"Thanks love, can I have another!" I smiled widely when her mouth hangs open and the crowd around us begins to laugh.

I always forgot how good their hearing was. Every time I talked, someone else would answer out of no where. They always had good intentions though, especially Tommi, Anna's brother. He made my dress by hand, mimicking the one he also made 800 years ago for Anna when she denounced drinking human blood. He made the dress as a new beginning for her.

She had a soft motherly, yet glowing attitude towards everyone and myself. This is what draws me to her the most. She's just so caring and extremely healthy. She does consume blood, but it isn't humans it was animals and other supernatural beings that could with stands the pain and trust me, her fangs were strong just like Bahm's.

Anna comes back with two glasses and the bottle of wine in her hand. We both drink two glasses each and Anna wipes my mouth for me. I giggle at her action and swat her hand away embarrassingly. She almost looked offended and I giggle even more, feeling bubbly from my champagne already. Wow that stuff was good!

"Alright ladies!" Tommi comes into the room clapping his hands.

"It's time to become one my loves." Everyone in the room formed two lines while Anna and I stood in the middle.

She grabs my hand into hers and fixes the crown on her head. My eyes travel to the floor as everyone begins taking their positions and discussing where their families would be seated.

Suddenly I began wondering how Bahm was doing through all of this. He hasn't even came back once since trying to attack me through the gates after telling him I was staying with Anna and getting married with her. I was so broken when he left, I thought he would be back at least once to beg me not to, but he never came. Anna hadn't even known that I'd say yes to her offer until that day. He assaulted me once again, right after begging for me to come back. How could he. He made me sick!

I'd never forgive him! He can go to hell for all I care!

The line of guards and maids to our side begins taking steps towards the back door. Anna shakes my hand to get me back to reality. I bow my head slightly and she smiles back. Her beautiful, gapped, pearly, and white smile sent shivers down my spine.

The line moves very slowly, taking one step as we do as well. Up ahead the double back doors open up and I see a white carpet right outside that led all the way to the middle of the yard. Rows of seats filled with beings all staring and cheering at us and The King dressed fashionably modern with a suit and tie on. The big bellied fella was smiling proudly with his daughter jumping and crying to his side as well.

My heart started to beat heavily and slowly when noticing all eyes were on us before we were even out the doors!

A loud horn is heard, frightening me before classical music starts to play.  My eyes stare at the wide double doors that started of short and small, then as I got closer it became tall and wide. Nervousness creeping back up to me when the fresh air hits my face making me hot.

We all make our way out the doors, stepping onto the white carpet that fluttered with glowing purple and gold butterflies as we walked on it. My eyes were very attracted to the magic. Seems like they too had witches in their realm and my eyes looked around more and I could see  more magic being used outside. Words floating about that my eyes squeezed to read congratulations, a 3D hologram of Anna and I was also floating around everyone's heads and space, and the carpet was rising alive in certain areas with smiles!

I loved seeing one place full of many supernatural beings. It made me feel acceptable here. It felt like home.

The cheering got louder and our feet's walked slowly on the carpet. I felt a little relieved when we walked passed the rows of seats, because the line of guards and maids to our side blocked all of their eyes to see the sweat pouring down my face. It was hot today.

Actually...I felt like I was burning up!

I looked to Anna to see if she was hot too, but she she wore a huge smile to her face and waving her dainty little hands to her people. My face was starting to burn and my hands and chest. I felt sick, why was this happening now? I thought the alcohol would ease my nervousness.

Anna looks to my hand confused and sniffs the air. Her eyes grow wide and red and her fangs come out. She starts hissing, and looking around and her people are heard in an uproar with hisses and shrieks. I bring my hands to my mouth startlingly when the line of people to our side breaks open.

Anna comes to my side, grabbing my arm and using her vampire speed to run us up a hill and against the castle walls. I was confused and scared. Her people were running away from something quickly and my eyes couldn't keep up. What have I missed!

"Anna what's going on?" I gasped seeing magical sparks flying everywhere.

"He's here!" She ducks and shields me from an oncoming table as a pained roar fills my ear.

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