Curse you!

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Kris' 🎭 POV

Finally landing on the pad of our penthouse, I ran down the stairs and onto the main streets.

"Gabby can you leave the portal open a little longer, I'm about 10 minutes away." I said straining my voice over our phone call.

I was feeling like shit. I couldn't sleep until I sobered up completely and that alone took three full days. I still haven't slept.

I was too used to being a spoiled twenty six year old kid, living as a king, thanks to Bahm that is.

I was so excited to finally see him!

The college ground to jump through was just 10 minutes down the street.

I had arrived in my Maybach that Bahm loved so much and a bag of clothes ready for him, I was ecstatic!

I was somewhat thankful to Hunnie that he was somewhere within my grasp and with someone I knew.

I still had questions.

Like why didn't he come find us, and why was he with Hunnie? It all didn't make sense to me. Of all people, Hunnie? A dark witch?

Everyone thought he was dead, since I couldn't feel his heart beating. We were all devastated.

Everyone still looked at me like a piece of delicate jewelry. I thought they would throw me away and have no use for me anymore, but they treated me no different than usual. Showing me their loyalties they would forever have towards their King.

We searched the whole country for Bahm. When we found no leads, clues, or even a drop of his blood anywhere, we were shattered.

He would never survive out there without his demonic energy in wolf form.

I searched weekly with the best of his witches in the kingdom, his best hunting Lycans and bringing along his best of the best, Short Elved Nymphs.

They loved me just as much as they loved Bahm and when they offered to send five girls with me, I couldn't refuse.

I needed to stay sane every time I didn't succeed at finding even the lingering pieces of fur he might of had left behind...


Arriving at the college, my sensitive nose senses the cherry perfume Gabby uses. She must be close by in the other realm.

I drove my car into that direction of the parking lot and my lycan ears picked up on her enchanting, whispering voice.

"Kriissssssss. Porrrtalll. Myyy caarrrr."

Seeing her car parked along a fence, I park next to it and when opening my car door, boom, I was in witchy world. She was staring down at me through my window.

Her gaze was so seductive, but she knew damn well what my reasoning for coming here was all about.

"Not now Gabby. Go" I growled and scanned over her silky pink brassiere, black leather jacket and a mini leather skirt with holes all in her fishnets.

I'm always the one to give into her fishnets every time I see her, but not now.

"WAHHHH!" She fake cries. "She's by the track!" She poutingly points.

I ran as fast as I could through every soul, being, gust of wind, just to get there. I was starting to get a really strong scent of Bahm and I couldn't control my emotions one bit.

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