Come to Your Senses

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Bahm 🤴🏻

""If she marries their way...then I lose her as a mate Kris, and that I won't do!"

"They basically become mates and I will not lose her that way." My mind was clear from not being so drugged up today.

"Well how Bahm! How will you even get inside their realm?!! You'll be fried to a pulp!" He yells at me with concerned laced in his tone.

I didn't care how I got in there. As long as I could stop the wedding and leave with my mate, I'll find a way. Even if that meant killing everyone in my way.

"Bahm you can't think like that!" Kris replies after hearing my thoughts. "That's what made Hunnie leave to begin with! You can't just go whatever you want!" I snarled and turned my back facing him. He was right, but I felt that would be the only way to bring back my mate, by force.

" rational. Don't go please!"


"I WONT LET YOU DIE BECAUSE OF HER!" He roars and I turn to face him, roaring back at him.


"WHO CARES! She obviously doesn't want that anymore! Take the loss and move on! I'm sure you'll get another mate in your life time. JUST NOT HER BAHM!"

I grab him by the collar of his shirt, feeling furious that he would even say such!

How can I just forget about her! She's brought much smiles to my dark life in the short period of time I've known her for. I've already tasted and enjoyed so much about her, so how can I possibly take this loss! I don't want another mate! She's mine!

This is what I should have been thinking about before.

Another mate...

I glared at Kris in his eyes intensely as he grabs my fist around his collar, twisting his face furiously. "I'll kill her Bahm. Don't make me..." My grip tightens and I bring my face closer to his face. "KRIS!" I groan angrily through my teeth.

"BAHM! I can't...fùcking...lose you a woman! I know she's our mate, but you have to...think about this!!!." He struggles under my grip and I finally let his collar go, throwing him back slightly.

"Kris...I have to stop that wedding. I want to I I...I feel like I should!"

"Bahm you have to face the reality of all of this. Just because you stop the wedding, doesn't mean anything. She has to want us can't just make her because she's your mate. She hates you now for marking Azalea..."

"What if...I reject Azalea?" I blurted out nervously, the words burning on my tongue.

"Will you really do it right now?" He says a little too eagerly for me, but now that I thought about it, she's still feeling ill and my rejection might even kill her in this state.

"I only marked her because she has that nymphs ability to smell like someone you desire...and we all know that's the only reason you marked her, because she smelled like Hunnie that night. You think I didn't hear you call her Hunnie the first night you met her?!!"

"SHUT UP!" I yell. Furious at how his mouth was speaking.

"Come on Bahm. You know it's true. I even seen her through your vision when Anna came to the party, asking you if that was also the reason you marked her. Even the poor girl has doubts now!!"

I began pacing back and forth, pulling at my hairs from the root. I couldn't get myself to reject Azalea. That young girl is innocent in all of this. This was all my fault.

All my fault for not controlling my self after getting rejected.

Then I thought about it more. If Hunnie hadn't rejected me to behind with, hen we wouldn't be here. Kris is right. My demons wanted to reject her at her own wedding. Making her feel the tremendous pain of heartache that's she's putting me through.

Not once have I even attempted to fall in love with Azalea, but Hunnie...she allowed herself to be lulled and fall into Anna. While I only was being a mate to Azalea and not even having the slightest bit of love for her. I only had love for Hunnie and she still manages to break my heart again even after remarking her.

I admit that my actions towards her here had been cruel, but to my defense, I could sense her ready to throw me away the moment she found out about Azalea. It drove me mad! Thinking more about it... not once has she ever fought for me. Not once!

"Bahm!" Kris yells and grabs me by my shoulders, shaking me. "Don't you hear me talking to you?! Why are you thinking about that?! I can hear your thoughts!" He continues shaking me with glossy eyes.

"Nothing." I shrugged his hands off my shoulders.

"Fuck her! I'm not rejecting Aza for her return! She clearly doesn't want me anymore!" I walk over to my bed dazed and ignoring Kris's painful sigh.

"So that means you'll reject her then?" He croaks with a pained look.

My chest tightens in that moment from feeling Hunnie's anxiety and heart racing suddenly. I hated feeling all of her emotions while she wasn't near me. It was a slow torture and a painful reminder of how I lost my mate.

At first her intimacy with Anna aroused me and I didn't care about Anna exploring my mate's body, as we had bed many women together, but then that feeling died down once I could hear Hunnie taking interest in exploring Anna's body as well! She really seemed comfortable and relaxed in her presence.

The more I convinced myself to not listen to them, the more it made it mad! During the passed few weeks I went on a drinking and drug rage of a binge, only to return to Azalea's ill sides few times and then back home. I craved love again, but I couldn't find it, besides in Kris

I did feel bad for him. This has all been so tough on him the most. Having to feel and go through the emotions Hunnie and I probably filled his mind with. He was always trying his hardest to show me better ways in having a mate too...especially since it was her.

I knew deep down he wanted Hunnie just as much as I did. He really didn't want me to reject her, he was only looking out for my sanity. He actually wants me to stop the wedding peacefully, but the reality to that is, the way Hunnie has distanced herself from us, and fell in love, there was no way she would ever want to return. I fucked up big time, but all I can do it let her make decisions for herself now since I'm losing her today.

I sighed frustratedly. Watching the sad puppy dog eyes Kris was giving me and rubbing my face harshly.

Who did Hunnie think she was anyways?

She thinks she is to run off on me! The Demon-Wolf King!!!

She's no better than Anna!

Once showing my love and affection towards these women, they leave. They leave because they didn't want to accept my flaws.

Do they not know I've come such a long way!!!

I could of been the ruthless demon I've always used to be.

Those two deserve each other anyways.

Kris is right.

I'll forget her and accept another rejection.

Having her far away from Kris is best too, or else he wouldn't have been able to bring me to my senses today.

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