This Life

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Anna shakes me awake inside a forest. My eyes widen and I look around after hearing a horrid roar. The ringing in my ears gone and my eyes still felt like they had dry wall debris and stones in it from the broken walls inside the castle. Everytime I blinked it felt like sand was in my eyes and my chin was on fire. It was definitely broken.

Shit! Kris!

I look around again and rushed to Anna's side. "We have to go now Hunnie! He's wants to kill you!" she speaks roughly and I jump on her back. 

Does he really want to kill me...

The roaring becomes louder and closer before she takes off running through the forest and what seemed to be through the streets of The Kingdom. The scent of many different herbs for potions fills my nose and different chatters as we breeze by. Then, I begin to hear yelling and screaming in the distance behind us.

Anna jumps into the air, all the organs and my intestines in my stomach lifts up and drops back down abruptly and we land painfully inside the realm and right in front of the gates.

She hurries and lifts my coughing pained body from the ground just as I see Kris jumping through the realm, appearing right behind her.

"I'm so sorry...I'll fix you later!" She hisses picking me up and chucking me away yards above her head.

My vision takes in the  blue sky first, but as I'm falling down, my head turns to see the small wooden bridge that leads to the castle's double doors gets larger and larger and I close my eyes, preparing to land harshly.

Cold arms are felt around my side, catching me. They run so quick into the castle, the noises of Anna and Kris are no longer heard. I whimper from shock, looking around to see an empty main hall. 

Trying to get out of their arms and run to Anna, Tommi comes into my view.

He lowers me to the ground, helping me balance and he runs up to the double doors, it opens automatically then Anna comes rolling, almost knocking Tommi to the ground. He helps her up and Kris's body comes flying into the view of the door and they both turn around and kick him before the doors slides closed

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