Chapter 30: Demons Bite

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Bahm's 🥵 P.O.V

(ɔ ͡❛ 👅 ͡❛)ɔ


You have..



What she's doing right now!"

I was sitting in my office space, by my windowsill trying to talk to him between my straining voice.

I was rapidly pumping away at my cock while listening to Hunnie across town pleasure herself. My sensitive ears picked up on her easily!

"She's soo bad...

So bad!...!.."

I was a grunting mess, closing my eyes and biting down harshly on my lips. I could see into her thoughts. She couldn't hide them from me.

Kris was laughing at me, while he sat on my bed eating cereal. I was only feet's away and couldn't stop. I was pumping at an excessive speed, like a mad man!

Hunnie was the one driving me mad! How dare she touch whats mines! How dare she torture 'ME' like this!!

"Arghhh" I growled through my moans.

She's been the one torturing me as soon as I got closer to the country! The smell of her arousal was something my nose really yearned for. My body craved for her vicious touch and missed her scent so much!

The moment I smelled her on the jet, I was ready to turn all demon and jump out to go devour her. The pull towards her was inevitably overwhelming.

I wanted all of her in this exact moment, smeared all across my face. I wanted her smells to forever be embedded into my hypersensitive nostrils.

I was filled with an overpowering demonic desire to pound her sweet little snatch.

"How dare she!" I cursed her outloud again, with one last long stroke.

I was spilling my seed everywhere, and could hear Kris cackling in the background while he slurped his stupid cereal.

My senses were all on Hunnie and her location right now. I could hear the muffled moans leave her chest and the sound of her liquids squirming out of her delectable, tight hymen.

She was rubbing her slippery wet snatch in such a slow manner that even I couldn't stand the noise leaving out of her gushy, wetness!!

I began to take my shirt off and clean my pants and windowsill with it. Then chucked it at the devious laughing bastard on my bed.

Kris had a delightful look on his face as he chewed away. I shot him an angry and disappointed stare and laid down next to him with my hands behind my head. Only then, did he began talking his nonsense with his mouthful.

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