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"Did you come back and submit to him after?"

"No, no I didn't."

"I don't return the following day. Instead, I go to the outside of the city. I told myself, 'There's no way he could of taken my device off and killed those blood thirsty, disgusting demons. They were too tall and fast' and then I remembered him only being like a man...but maybe with anger problems." She chuckles at her memory and I was starting to piece together the next parts. We all know Bahm is very strong and you can't escape him quite easily. He took down my whole council, then I hear a story about him going to hell, and escaping! Just who is this beast!

"As I'm sure you are thinking it, but yes...he found me.
He wasn't to happy at all.

He felt deceived and...well...we fought. Mostly me, I didn't want to bed this greedy and lustful wolf witch creature, but then his hand glowed white as a light and then it turned purple. He yanked off the metal device around my neck. The ones the demons crafted to where I couldn't even take off.

I was so shocked, but he was still angry, more angry that I've been avoiding him. So he said I was his now. He owned me or else he'd bring me back to the demons, which he did, but only to show me he could kill them.

Having dragged me to the cave that he knew it's existence all along. He slaughtered them all with the sword from his spine. While he held me up in the air in some mystical dark ball. I was petrified of him in that moment and that's when I submitted.

He kept two alive. A disgusting looking demon man and woman incase they mate and have offsprings to return me to. He held that threat over my head when I was disobidenet the first few years. Then we did everything together. He was always very surprised I could keep up with his hunger and speed.

We hunted animals, tribes, demons, fed off of other supernaturals, travelled, and even enjoyed women together. Of course with me not being so willing at first, but I also had my own freedom to do what I pleased ,but once I was summoned by him, I must go or he'd always come searching for me.

Eventually it grew. Not so much dominance from him, but more submission from me. He loved it, I was perfect for him in his eyes. I got used to him and his know?

We always challenged each other too, with me being only a few years older and having the slightest bit more knowledge than him, or how to control certain desires there he did.

I knew the things he craved, things he hated, how he liked his women...I got used to his scent, his emotions, his pleads and just when I thought he was actually just a gentle beast, well...he made me....reject my mate, but that's a story for another time. I could eat, are you hungry?"

He seemed to like his women vulnerable if you asked me and I was quite hungry. We've been sitting and chatting for quite some time I didn't even realize it was night time already.

"Is Bahm still out there?" I asked with with a yawn slipping out of my mouth.

"He did leave at some point during my story, but he just came back once you said his name." I didn't want to talk about him anymore. I didn't expect him to be listening in on so closely to us. Excusing myself, I made my way to her bathroom.

Thoughts of Kris coming to play. Was he ok? Is Bahm taking out my absence on him? I didn't even tell him goodbye. He was so caring and loving to me and I just upped and left him.

Hurting in my chest, I felt like a horrible mate. How could I have rejected Bahm in the beginning. Why was I so afriad! Its all my covens fault. If I had know how evil and vile even the council was, I would of been living for myself and not them. Just wanting to be the best and successful dark witch doctor there could be. Not rejecting my mate... I adored him while he was even a wolf, I should of just taken what I had and be prepared for any concequences.

After leaving the bathroom Anna waited patiently for me in her room. We both made our way through the dark, red walls and dimly lit halls of the castle. Everyone about the way stared at me awkwardly and even sniffed the air around me. Their faces would turn pale at my scent and they scrubbed along with Anna chuckling or smirking at their actions. Guessing they must smell Bahm on me. My presence here scared them truly. I wondered what history they  have with him that makes them so afraid.

We arrived to the kitchen, which was all in complete darkness. Anna comes out the dark room that my eyes only picks up a checkered tile covering the floors and a small red booth off to the side of the kitchen. I was sure they had another one around here like in Bahm's castle.

We ate a nice healthy Cesar chicken salad for dinner and it actually surprised me, but looking at Anna's petite physique with a plump and firm booty, I understood it. I knew she was much more stronger than what she looked like. I wondered if she still fed on humans or if Bahm stirred her another way. Thoughts of them also sleeping with one another kept playing across my head. She says he became used to his ways...what ways was that? Don't tell me she is talking about the biting thing!!!

His favorite monstress turned mistress for over one thousand years... I couldn't compete with any of the women in his life and it saddened me. Is that why Bahm was so hard on me lately? Or does he really love me? It seemed he was trying to change me to fit into his role as well, but I only wanted to be Hunnie. His mate.

After eating in silence Anna asked me if she had upset me and I replied no. She didn't upset me at all. It was Bahm that did. Since arriving here, he changed drastically.

It was getting late, and Anna could tell I was tired an hour ago so we prepared by brushing our teeth with black charcoal and changed for bed. Anna gave me a silky red, spaghetti strapped gown for bed, while she wore just a yellow bra and pink shorts.

We both got into her bed that was also filled with more fluffy blankets and pillows. She seems to love to be cuddled by something which was my first thought. She gets buried beneath it all!

Her mention about Bahm making her reject her mate sent a shiver through my spine. How could he make her do that, but he can't even reject Azalea?.I wondered why he made her reject his mate...probably for how he wants me to accept his other mate he willingly marked on his own.

Drifting off to sleep by the sounds of many cicadas outside I felt more blankets being covered over me.
My eyes fluttered open to an empty room and lots of chattering outside the room doors. The windows still showed it was night timeoutside and I sat up looking around the room for Anna. Wow I must've woke up super early today!

"Hello amour. I'm sorry." Anna comes bursting through the door in a hurry, almost out of breath.

"I thought it was morning already...what time is it." Rubbing my eyes I see a few petrified faces peeking their heads through Anna's door and closing it quietly.

"I'm very sorry mon chérie....but....Kris is here to talk to you."

"Inside the realm? Is that why they look frightened...Kris won't hurt—"

"No love. Bahm has also broken inside of our realm. The women and men of my castle are all terrified."

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