Chapter 10. Ascension

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Hunnie 👸🏻

Dreaming that very good dream again.

My king of a husband came to see me before I left to go to the Covenant's Ascension party.

He laid me down in my bed and licked the swollen buds of my nipples. Instantly sending a warm sensation between my thighs. He kissed me all over and ran his fingers along my stomach and down to my core.

That hypnotic, baby faced, King.

When I came to my senses and no longer unconscious, I seen it was Wolfy leaning over me and grazing my nipples with his tongue!!!

I froze, not knowing what to do. Good thing he wasn't a man!!

He had his paw rested on my bed and his long tongue kept coming out and flicking at my breast.

My body was not denying the sensation that was forming down below. I started to feel a bit uncomfortable with this predicament. Morally.

"Hey...Get..Off!" I shoved his huge head away from above me.

Yet, he still didn't stop licking. Instead he places his heavy paws onto my shoulder, holding me in place!

He starts to ease off, when I rolled my body out of bed, but his tongue still managed to get a couple more licks around my neck and face.

I don't recalls taking my clothes before my nap either!

"So shameful, bad boy!" I pointed in his direction which sent him wagging his tail even more and trying to nibble at my finger.

I clasped my hands together and said another noise cancellation spell before wrapping a towel around me and exiting to the bathroom.

I could hear whimpers from Wolfy as I left, but I needed to focus on tonight's event.

I entered in, wiping my now moist lady parts. I can't believe my body would betray me to a CANINE!

'Oh my gosh! I'm sick!

The house was still chaotic with one hour before ascension!

I quickly scurried to my room and Wolfy wasn't there.

Shaking off the mixed feelings I had towards him, I threw on a new pair of panties and slipped my legs through the pants of my long, midnight purple romper. It fit me elegantly, and tight around my hips. Hugging at my thighs and breast.

I didn't wear a brassiere, my ladies sat pretty perfect for my weight and height.

Besides, I had more ass than breast my whole life, so bras was never a thing for me.

I used to get made fun of for having small breast in school.

Mostly by Evie, the one who also called me prude in 5th grade. For goodness sake! I was not thinking about sex that early, more like breaking my dark spells virginity!


As I got ready and straightened my curly hair, I heard a thud outside my window. I went to go look and it was Wolfy, pushing around the pot from yesterday.

"Come come" I said waving my hands.

When he didn't listen, I walked away and slid on my gold heels.

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