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Bahm's 🧑🏻‍🦱 P.O.V

After leaving the restaurant, we drove in silence, with me taking a few looks at her picking away at the oreo milkshake.

My penthouse was only 20 minutes away from the restaurant. I didn't think she realized she was going to my house yet.

I take another look to her face and a shy grin curls up on her face. She can feel me watching her.

My heart flutters at her innocence all over again. My mate is everything I've ever wanted in a woman. She's too sweet, inside and out.

"Where are we going.?" She blurted out moments later while looking through the window.

"I'm kidnapping you. Is there anyone that would pay your ransom?"

She skimmed the side of my face before putting her half eaten shake down in the cup holder.

"Yeah right..." she smirks, but my ears pick up on her heart racing.

"You live this way? " she asked seeming to recognize the area.

"Yeah I do. Have you been over here?"

"Yeah, The Coven uses Central Park sometimes for our visual rituals."

"Mmm" I nodded contently.

We pulled into the penthouse garage and when I parked the car, I could feel her anxiety peek.

I guess she still didn't trust me after all. Now I understand why she doesn't want to go pursue the mating process.

"Let's go.
No one's home.." I said turning the car off.

I faced my body to her voluptuous curves that were sulking away in my passenger seat. Taking in her thick and juicy frame, covered by her red dress, as she watched my hungry eyes back in return.

Fighting my urges of taking her right here in the car,  I hurried and got out, stretched my legs and arms and then went to her door.

"Are you always this sweet, or?...." she said stepping out and fixing her dress.

Chuckling, I winked at her precious round face.

I really am a gentlemen,
You bring out the demons in me!..."

I told her honestly. I could not hold back for long around her.

My demons loved her.

Her scent, taste,
her face, her insides.
We loved all of her.

She smelled very sweet with her own personal smells, but the dark magic that lingered in her deepest pits, were tempting for me to bite into. It smelled like a toasted strawberry pop-tart!


Riding the elevator up and stepping into the lobby, I could see her hazel, wide eyes searching all over the full crowded area. There was a club stationed right on the first floor, so it was always a bunch of rich, drunk, humans partying here.

" there a party or something?"

"There's a club right there," I said pulling her through the crowd that stood between us and the elevators.

"Oh jeez.." I heard her whisper.

We rode the elevator to the 76th floor and walked out to open the door of my penthouse.

I always forgot the code that Kris made, so I used my telekinesis to unlock it. She still had her shake in her hand and her purse tucked away under her arm.

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