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Bahm's 🤴🏻 POV

I was having an awful dream.

Not even like my past dreams about hell.

This one was different.

My demons were talking to me, but I couldn't wake up. I was weak, hurt..embarrassed... They wanted to me do something, something bad.


"Feeeeeeed usssssss"

"Ssssssomethingggg tassstyyyy"

"The girl!"

"Yesssssss the girl!" The whispers turn up a notch.

"Noooo, not her!" One of the demons spoke out.

My wolf demon.

"Sssssheeeeee rejected usssssssss!"

"Killl herrrr"

"No, torture herrrrr!"

I wanted to wake up, I didn't like where this was going. Kill who, why?

"Sssssheeeeee rejected usssssssss!"


My heart ached.

I was starting to wake up and back to my old demon self, but I felt broken. My heart was ripped out of me.


I bellowed and growled so loud the nymphs in my room all scurried out, and the Witch Doctor that was standing at my bed side, flew out the doors.

"Where.. The.. FŪ!!!" I slid out the bed naked and my assistant let out a 'tsk'.

"Master, please rest up." She yells out still facing the walls with disgust on her boyish face.

I didn't need to rest anymore. I did enough of that when my demons were asleep that WHOLE FÛCKING YEAR!

"WHERE IS SHE I SAID!" Everyone cowered out the doors not even glancing in my direction.

I could feel fire emitting from my nostrils. Smelling my blood boiling and the veins under my eyes pulsating. I already sensed they knew who I was referring to.

Two yellow eyed nymphs dressed in a leafy two piece walks up to me with their heads bowed, kneeling, and holding a traditional Baji pants in their hands.

I took it from them in a hasty manner, making them flinch, but they continued trying to dress me.

I paced the room quickly, pulling my hairs that seemed freshly cut and hollering.

"Kris..." I turned to face him and broke.

"Where is she?"

"Bahm.. Shes in New York, but—"

WHAT THE HELL was she doing in New York, when she was MY MATE?!!


I flipped out, not even giving him a chance to finish talking. Tossing everything in the room upside down. Flipping the bed, throwing shit out the glass balcony, kicking the ornaments over.

My heart was broken. My demons were not at peace.

Why would she reject me?


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