This is What you Want

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"You are way...too pretty to cry. My. Love" Her thick French accents rolls off her tongue.

She says I'm too pretty?


She made me blush as her baby blue eyes penetrated my soul.

The exotic looking blonde woman comes up to my face and wipes a fallen tear from my eyes.

Her eyes twinkling with satisfaction as she does so.

"Are you...The King's mate?" She says, eying my neck and then back to my eyes. She made me blush honestly.

I lowered my head and replied yes. The woman stands next to me and washes her hands. Not sure why I did too, after already washing my hands, but she looks at my wrist indistinctly.

Grabbing my wrist suddenly, her face changes. "Did he do this to you!" Then she moves my neck with her other hand slightly.

She seems very worried. Who is she? Is she related to Bahm by any chance?

I'm speechless, not sure if I should reply honestly or ignore the beauty. Not even realizing I had a mark on my wrist to begin with. She's the first one that actually said anything.

She lets my wrist go, rubbing her knuckles affectionately against my cheeks. My body shuddered at her compassionate touches.

Something in her eyes makes me a bit worried as well, why does she look at me in such awe? She reaches out her hand again, towards my chin.

Within an instance my body flinches from a strong gust of wind. Thinking she was trying to slap me for no good reason. Opening my eyes, Bahm is now holding this woman by her throat.

"DON'T TOUCH MY MATE, ANNA!" He roars in her face.

His eyes on me the whole time. Seething with a new and profound anger. She clings onto his hands, staring at his face.

"Stop!" I reached my hand out, but quickly brought it back to my side.

"You are hurting her!" I became frantic, holding my face as I hear her bones beginning to crack under his grip. She is about to die before my eyes.

"It's ok. She's a big girl." He says so calmly. He shall not put his hands on another woman in my presence and say it's ok!


I yelled, striking his face. Driving my open palmed right across his face. He drops the coughing beauty, Anna and proceeds to take steps right up to me. His hands reaching for my hair.

Anna shoves him away from me forcefully, his body flys right passed me and landing in a stall. A loud thud and glass heard shattering from the toilet.

"LEAVE HER BE!" She yells at him, fangs elongating out of her mouth and her nails lengthening.

She's a vampire.

Bahm comes climbing out from the bathroom stall, dusting his white tuxedo off and his eyes turn pitch black. Looking like his demons wanted blood.

"Your mother is waiting for you!" Anna hisses before leaving the room. Her sparkly, silver pumps clicking out the door.

Wow was she strong! She didn't even cry, nor fight under Bahm's grip around her throat.

Bahm walks passed my shaking body, I was terrified of him now. If he could do that to people he knows, then what could he do to me next? He turns and reaches for my arm viciously, pulling me out of the bathroom. My heart racing and waiting to be striked. I hated this feeling, feeling like he has a right to do anything he wanted.

Dragging me all the way back to the ballroom, he seats me roughly at an empty, circular table in the corner of the room.

"You! You sit here where I can see you!" He grits his teeth.

My chest heaving up and down furiously. How dare he treat me like a child and have the audacity to yell at another woman for touching me! What has gotten into him! I sat there huffing and groaning with my arms folded across my chest. I am. I am not a child! I am suppose to be his "Mate".

A server approaches my table with a huge smile. Placing a full wine glass on my table next to me and even handing me one to take. I actually like this fella.
Let's get drunk and stumble in Kris's room. I held my laughter in. Not wanting to look like a crazy woman.

Bahm staring at the server and I the whole time. I gave him the bird, holding it up extra long between the walking guest and his lips thinned.

"On behalf The King." The server says before leaving.

I look back at Bahm, hoping he poisoned me finally as I take huge gulps of the bitter sweetness. It's burns, yet soothes my fiery heart.

He begins walking around the room, greeting other beings with Azalea right behind his tail. Bowing and curtsying. Showing off her gown and spinning for some.

They end up leaving the room, Bahm totally forgetting all about me and I felt a weight on my chest. Tears ready to fall down, as it's been minutes and they didn't come back.

I knew what was going on...

He can do a lot in the ten minutes he's been gone.

My eyes started to become heavy, my chest nice and hot. I was getting tipsy from drinking my glass so quickly. Feeling much more content than earlier.

Examining the room and watching beings of all shapes and sizes dance about, eat, and even performing their specialities.

I feel the presence of someone moving a chair behind me. I turn around and see Anna, the blonde beauty.

She smiles at me, and lowers her head behind my frame. Hiding from Bahm I take it.

"Why are you alone?" She asks with a wide grin, eying my features.

"Honestly. I rather be." My slippery lips spoke.

She laughs shortly, but then shoots me a face like I don't mean it.

"I don't even know what I'm doing here. What's my purpose?" I blurted out, becoming furious that not even Kris was around to keep me company while I sat in the corner alone.

"Your purpose is to sit here as the most beautiful woman in this room...The most beautifully dressed Dark Witch here." She compliments me and my face over heats.

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