Forever, Just You

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It was time for us to head to bed.

 Anna had introduced me to her little brother Tommi, whom recently joined the castle's patrol guards and then we visited the eldest old woman alive, bringing the roses she picked in the garden earlier to an empty vase in the woman's room. I wondered who she was to Anna. They didn't speak, but only kissed each other on the cheeks in greeting and we left the room after Anna fixed the roses inside the vase.

Passing by the same families that we do every night, that were now sending us off to bed with smiles on their enthusiastic faces, I felt at peace and comfortable. According to Anna, I brought peace to them as well. They thought they would be on the good side of The King if they treated me nicely as well. They'd also ask me when I did return to Bahm's castle if their sons can have a job there. Anna explained that her kingdom wasn't as rich as Bahm's, so working in his castle or even for him, was a blessing to some of the families around here.

After saying goodnight to all the open doors that led down the hall to Anna's room, we entered inside finally. The ceiling closest to the door was lit, while the other end by the bed and bathroom was dark.

Anna begins taking off her clothes and throwing it into the hamper near her armoire as she usually does before bed. She catches me staring this time and motions for me to take my clothes of as well. I never really got naked like Anna does freely. I usually slept with my panties on at least, but tonight I felt comfortable enough to lounge around nakedly before bed.

I watch her petite, plump bottom turn the corner of her wall and towards her bathroom. She had such a small body, but I've already seen that same body take down Bahm and Kris!

 I hop right into the bed, tucking two pillows behind my head. When Anna comes out, her hair is down and wavy from the high pony tail she always has. She eagerly rushes to the bed, giddying like a little school girl at the fact I was naked to bed tonight. She pinches my thighs and my hips, teasing me as I do to her.

We go under her covers together, and like normal Anna spoons me from behind. Her small bush of hair rubbing against my bare ass and her small breast suctioned onto my back. I can feel her breath beginning to fan the back of my neck and shoulder. The same breath that has been soothing me to sleep these passed weeks. My eyes becomes heavy and I think about what Anna says about keeping me safe because she's loyal to Bahm. Wondering just how far she is willing to keep me safe from my own mate. Was he really becoming that dangerous she didn't trust for him to be around me?

She nudges me to turn around and face her just as I'm about to fall asleep with heavy eyes. We haven't touched each other since the first time, so my skin becomes coated in goosebumps, expecting her to make a move. The memory of all our times spent together since meeting gave me butterflies. We've both grown on each other. "Hunnie my amour." She rubs a pattern on my forehead and then kisses it. My body tingles from her sincere actions.

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