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Hunnie's 💫 P.O.V



"What on earth are you doing Wolfy?" I called out to him, but he was laying down flat, and I couldn't see him over the edge of my bed.

After the humiliating sex act that just happened, I couldn't help but to feel so dirty and low.

'Did he feel that way too?'

How could I stoop so low and let an animal actually lick at me in any type of way and actually enjoy it?!

I kept apologizing to my ancestors and even to wolfy out loud. It was the only thing keeping me sane under my hazy and foggy mind.

"Ancestors please forgive my shameless acts, I won't ever drink or take in any animals ever again!" A sob left my mouth, but quickly faded away when I felt a hand grip at my ankles.

Holy shit...

...I cant move!

"Wh-What is...Wh-Who is that?" I muttered in a trembling whisper.

I am about to be sucked into the deep pits of hell, aren't I sisters? I'm so sorry for the embarrassment I have brought forth. Please make it quick!

I looked down to see a mans strong hand around my ankles. The grip so tight, but not tight enough to distract me from the full head of hair rising up from Wolfy's corner. Was Wolfy really a man all along?

'Oh no! What have I done?' I suddenly began to feel uneasy, that maybe I turned Wolfy into a man accidentally.

The man rose up towards my bed with a leaf stuck between his shaggy, tangled hair and a few dirt marks around his perfectly defined jawline.

He was extremely tall, even though he was hunched over. He looked just like the man from my dreams...That King!

He had the same cloudy, seductive blue eyes, and his skin was a glistening tan in complexion, with muscle rippling under the moon's light.

When he let his grip on my ankles go, I hurriedly shuffled upwards on my bed.

Goosebumps stinging my naked flesh as he rips the blanket off my body. I was terrified.

His eyes followed me as he walked around the side of my bed. His whole body was a walking muscle. Each part of him rippling as he approaches me.

His jaw line was too prominent and his face was untouched with any flaws. He looked mysteriously angry.

Then my eyes traveled down to his other hand that was holding his massive, uncut, erection in his hands.

Ok... so maybe he isn't angry.

His erection was huge enough to rip someone apart! And It will not be me! Hell no sisters!!

'Speak Hunnie!' My thoughts scattered fearfully. 'SAY ANYTHING!'

I wanted to call out his name to see if it was really Wolfy, but I found my self choking up and lost in his sinister gaze. A dry and flat grin was forming on his face. Oh my gosh, is he going to attack me? Or defile me?

Before I could even blink, he grabs my other leg viciously and pulls me towards him. Lining up my bare lady parts with his leaking erection.

I shielded my face, covering my eyes and ready for the worse to happen.

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