Beast or Man?

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Hunnie's ⚡️POV

Wolfy's began growling towards Tenn and Jahred's direction. I informed Lenah to tell them my cousin got sick.

Wolfy needed to get in check and know that he can't be this way towards my friends from The Coven!

Witches are highly respected here and we do our best to coexist as a community with other beings and they wouldn't hesitate to throw him in Witchy World's prison if he attacks.

Grabbing him by the sweater and dragging him to the border of the woods I started to scold him. 

He resisted effortlessly and I found my self struggling to handle his large, heavy frame.

He continued his growling, showing his pearly fangs and I had to do something quick to get his attention!!

"Hey stop!
Right now!!
Those are MY friends!" I said patting my chest and holding his collar

Maybe he sensed that Jahred was my ex?

Grabbing his face, I boldly got on my toes, closed my eyes, and planted a kiss on his lips.

Everything stilled.

What the hell was I doing?

When my eyes fluttered open, he was staring back passionately. His fangs shortened.

An eruption of tingling nerves filled my body.

I got back on my toes again involuntarily while and planted another one. Feeling his soft, plump lips under mine.

He was calm now, and I think it was safe to go back and introduce him to the girls and Jahred.

Looking at me with his lusty and drooling eyes, I tugged at the lower part of his sweater and pulled him out of the woods towards the table.


"She's coming! Remember he is a bit new around people." Lenah was explaining to Tenn, Carney and Jahred.

"Hey guys. Meet my cousin, Eduardo" I said, still holding on tightly to his sweater and looking at his face hoping he doesn't bear his fangs.

"I didn't know you had a cousin" Jahred was the first one to speak, eyeing Wolfy up and down, with wolfy doing the same.

"Yeah... me either. Until my aunt dropped him off this morning to babysit." I lied out my teeth.

I couldn't tell them he was actually the wolf I found in the human realm and changed into a man!!

"Wolf— Eduardo, these are MY friends" I said to him very slowly, examining his tensed face.

He stared at all of them blankly and grunted. Then we finally took a seat down.

"Hey cuz!" Jahred reaches his hand across the table to shake Wolfy's. I was petrified!

"DON'T Jahred!" I panicked, trying to come up with an excuse, because the look wolfy had was murderous!

"He bites, sometimes." I casually pulled Wolfy closer to me.

"Bite? Why the hell bring him here then?" The tone in Jahreds voice sent all the ladies laughing simultaneously.

"Yeah, we are leaving soon, I wanted you all to meet him. He doesn't speak either."

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