(2) The Challenge

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After class, Suuna walked towards the Third Music Room, ready for whatever challenge she had to take.

She kicked open the entrance of the room and walked in. She already saw the seven members standing there, wating for her. They were having a stare down.

"Ah! So you finally came!" Hikaru and Kaoru said to break the dramatic scene.

"You're wearing the same outfit as yesterday" Hikaru pointed out

"It's clean" She sighed

"Apparently not your boots. They look worn out and dirty" Kaoru said

"Well they're shoes, so what?" She scoffed

Kyoya walked up and took a layer of her dress in his hands.

"What kind of fabric is this? Definietly handmade" He said calmly.

The twins nodded

"It took effort" Suuna replied while crossing her arms.

"Well it was poorly made, look at the strings showing at the hem" Kyoya said

"Guys, stop" Haruhi sighed

"Is this really the challenge? For you to critque my outfit?" Suuna asked.

"Oh, yeah, right" They got their hands off of her.

Kyoya fixed his glasses and looked at his notebook.

"Alright. We bring you here today for a challenge you bravely accepted" Tamaki started

"Actually my feet brought me here, so I don't know what you're talking about" Suuna said

"It's for a dramatic and formal intro. Just go with it" Haruhi whispered


"Anyways, let's start with Haruhi! What woud you like to challenge Asuna to?!" Tamaki yelled

"Oh! Uh, I would like to challenge you to...uh....the shock ball challenge!" Haruhi pulled out a ball that had metal beads.

"We will have a catagory and we'll say a word related to the catagory. And after we say the word, we pass the shock ball to the other person. Until you're fast enough to say your word, the ball will shock the person who as it in their hands. Got it?"

Suuna nodded


They both sat across each other.

"Um, what's your name again?" Suuna asked

"It's Haruhi, Haruhi Fujioka. Asuna-chan" She smiled

"Well Haruhi, just call me Suuna" She smiled back.

Haruhi has the ball in her hand.

"Alright, the catagory is....movements. GO!"

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