(34) "You Don't Understand!"

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"Suuna, what's wrong?" Haruhi asked her paranoid friend.

"I misplaced my homework somewhere. I'm so screwed" Suuna's eyes became lighter as her pupils became smaller.

"Hey, Suuna. Since we've made up again, why don't you come back to our class?" Hikaru said.

"Yeah. We're not salty anymore, right?" Kaoru asked.

"I didn't move classes because of our "fight." Haruhi and I aren't supposed to be in the same class in the first place since we both are scholarship students who need to be top ranked in the class to keep our enrollment." Suuna explained.

"That's right. If these two were in the same class then one of them would have their scholarship enrollment revoked." Kyoya added and the twins whined.

"Well I'm about to have it revoked if I don't find my homework!" Suuna started looking through the trash and under the couch.

"I'm so dead-oh wait" She walked over to her bag and pulled out her folder which had the homework in it.

"Found it" She added and everyone had sweatdrops behind their head.

"God, I'm such a brainless pig. It was here this whole time, I'm so relieved."

She sighed and put it back in her bag.

Haruhi had a slight angry look on her face, "Suuna, why would you call yourself a "brainless pig" for something that small? That's not a healthy way to think." She stated.

Suuna turned her head to her, "Hm? It's because I'm a moron for not remembering where I put things."

"But a "brainless pig?"

"I'm was just over-exaggerating Haruhi" Suuna waved her hand around and walked away.

"Suuna....." Haruhi growled/sighed.


Haruhi has been paying more attention to Suuna's behavior and actions, and has gotten more concerned and angier.

For example, it seems like Suuna would rather be alone than be with anyone. Not even Langa. She doesn't want to be with anyone at all. Which upset Haruhi a little.

Also, Suuna doesn't seem to rely on anyone. She would kindly and politely push people away like it was unintentional and not important.

So, Haruhi decided to make things straight by strictly telling Suuna about what she has been thinking. She told the hosts about it, and they thought that they knew Suuna long enough to confront her about her behavior and actions and the reasoning behind it.

But.....this might not end very well.

Suuna was walking towards the Third Music Room, she was quite happy. She was having a normal day so far............That's gonna change.

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